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muški rod

1. Serment.
2. Promesse. Faire voeu de célibat.
3. Souhait. Des voeux de bonne santé.
4. Demande. Le voeu de la commission.
5. Volonté. Le voeu des citoyens.

ambition · avis · bénédiction · demande · désir · engagement · profession · promesse · revendication · résolution · serment · soif · souhait · volonté + prikaži više
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ETYM Old Eng. othe, oth, ath, as. âth; akin to Dutch eed, os. ęth, German eid, Icel. eithr, Swed. ed, Dan. eed, Goth. aiths; cf. OIr. oeth.
ng to the truth of a statement; to lie under oath is to become subject to prosecution for perjury; SYN. vow, swearing.
Solemn promise to tell the truth or perform some duty, combined with a declaration naming a deity or something held sacred. In the us witnesses raise their right hand in taking the oath.
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ETYM Old Fren. plege, pleige, pledge, guaranty, Late Lat. plegium, plivium; akin to Old Fren. plevir to bail, guaranty, perhaps from Latin praebere to proffer, offer (sc. fidem a trust, a promise of security), but cf. also Eng. play. Related to Prebend, Replevin.
1. A deposit of personal property as security for a debt.
2. A drink in honor of or to the health of a person or event; SYN. toast.
3. Someone accepted for membership but not yet fully admitted to the group.
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assurance · toast



ETYM Old Eng. vou, Old Fren. vou, veu, vo, vu, French veu, from Latin votum, from vovere, to vow. Related to Avow, Devout, Vote.
> 1. A solemn promise; an act by which one consecrates or devotes himself, absolutely or conditionally, wholly or in part, for a longer or shorter time, to some act, service, or condition.
2. Specifically, a promise of fidelity; a pledge of love or affection.
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