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1. Choix.
2. Tri. Faire une sélection.

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ETYM Old Eng. chois, Old Fren. chois, French choix, from choisir to choose; of German origin; cf. Goth. kausjan to examine, kiusan to choose, examine, German kiesen. Related to Choose.
1. The act of choosing or selecting; SYN. selection, pick.
2. The person or thing chosen or selected; SYN. pick, selection.
In economics, decision about how resources are allocated. Each choice involves an opportunity cost.
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ETYM French pic a pickax, a pick. Related to Pick, Pike.
1. A thin sharp implement used for picking.
2. A small thin device (
of metal or plastic or ivory) used to pluck a stringed instrument; SYN. plectrum, plectron.
3. A heavy wooden-handled iron tool with a curved head that is pointed on both ends; SYN. pickax, pickaxe.
4. A basketball maneuver; obstructing an opponent with one's body.
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ETYM Latin selectio: cf. French sélection.
An assortment of things from which a choice can be made.
In Australia in the 1860s and 1870s, system by which people could choose crown land to li
ve on and cultivate. Payment was by a credit time payment system. The land selected was also known as a selection and the people so choosing were known as selectors or free selectors. The system was a relative failure because the blocks of land were often too small for successful farming or environmentally unsuitable. It was also not successful in controlling the building up of large estates by squatters. + prikaži više

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