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muški rod

1. Place.
2. Lieu. Un site industriel.
3. Paysage.
4. Panorama. Un site pittoresque.

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Place; point; locus citatus, see loco citato. locus classicus, authoritative and often-cited passage on a subject. locus standi, (Latin), “place of standing”; legal status; right to be heard in law-court.
(biology) Point on a chromosome where a particular gene occurs.

locale · venue



ETYM French, from Latin platea a street, an area, a courtyard, from Greek plateia a street, properly fem. of platys, flat, broad; akin to Skr. porthu, Lith. platus. Related to Flawn, Piazza, Plate, Plaza.
(Homonym: plaice)
1. A general vicinity.
2. A particular situation; SYN. shoes.
3. Any area set aside for a particular purpose; SYN. property.
4. Proper or appropriate position or location.
5. An abstract mental location.
6. Proper or designated social situation; SYN. station.
7. The passage that is being read.
8. (In horse racing) A finish in second place.
9. An item on a list or in a sequence; SYN. position.
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ETYM Latin situs, from sinere, situm, to let, p. p. situs placed, lying, situate: cf. French site. Related to Position.
(Homonym: cite, sight).
1. Physical position in relation to the surroundings; SYN. situation.<
br /> 2. The piece of land on which something is located (or is to be located); SYN. land site.
In archeology, any location where there is evidence for past human behavior. A site can be as small as an isolated find, which is either a single artifact or a small number of artifacts, or as large as an ancient city. Sites are classified according to function: major types include domestic/habitation sites, kill sites, and processing/butchering sites.
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Web site


A group of related HTML documents and associated files, scripts, and databases that is served up by an HTTP server on the World Wide Web. The HTML documents in a Web site generally cover one or more related topics and are interconnected through hyperlinks. Most Web sites have a home page as their starting point, which frequently functions as a table of contents for the site. Many large organizations, such as corporations, will have one or more HTTP servers dedicated to a single Web site. However, an HTTP server can also serve several small Web sites, such as those owned by individuals. Users need a Web browser and an Internet connection to access a Web site. See also home page, HTML, HTTP server (definition 1), Web browser. website, web site + prikaži više

internet site · site · website

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