responsabilité prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

responsabilité | francusko - engleski rečnik


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Obligation de répondre de ses actions ou de celles des siens, de ses subordonnés, employés, etc. Responsable mais pas coupable.

charge · commandement · culpabilité · devoir · fait · faute · garantie · imputabilité · obligation · poste · risque · soin + prikaži više
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Responsibility to someone or for some activity; SYN. answerability, answerableness.



ETYM Late Lat. assignamentum: cf. Old Fren. assenement.
1. A duty that one is assigned to perform especially in the armed forces; SYN. duty ass
2. The act of distributing something to designated places or persons; SYN. assigning.
3. The instrument by which a claim or right or interest or property is transferred from one person to another.
Deed of transfer; act of assigning; commission, especially of a journalist.
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appointment · assigning · designation · duty assignment · grant · naming + prikaži više



ETYM From Due.
1. The social force that binds one to one's obligations and the courses of action demanded by that force.
2. Work that one is obliged to perform for moral or legal reasons.
Moral obligation experienced as a felt commandment of the moral l
aw. Moral conflicts occur where a number of duties make apparently irreconcilable demands on us.
The stoics in ancient Greece and Immanuel Kant in Germany (who coined the concept of the categorical imperative) are the moral philosophers who have placed greatest emphasis on duty. Duty is strongly emphasized in Confucianism (especially duty to the state and to ancestors) and in Japanese culture, where it is divided into obligations (on) that can and therefore must be repaid, and continuous obligations, such as those to parents and country.
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Possession that is owed to someone else; SYN. financial obligation, indebtedness, pecuniary obligation.
In accounting, a financial obligation. Liabilities are placed alongside assets on a bala
nce sheet to show the wealth of the individual or company concerned at a given date. Business organizations often distinguish between current liabilities such as overdrafts, trade credit and provisions, and long-term liabilities such as debentures, mortgages, and unsecured loans.
The state of being legally obliged and responsible.
The quality of being something that holds one back.
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financial obligation · indebtedness



ETYM French obligation. Latin obligatio. Related to Oblige.
1. A legal agreement specifying a payment or action and the penalty for failure to comply.
2. The s
tate of having financial obligations.
In politics, the duty of individuals to obey the laws of their state and, generally, to accept the authority of its government. The basis of political obligation has been depicted as a contract between ruler and people or as arising from the state's ability to provide for the welfare of its citizens.
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ETYM Cf. French responsabilité.
Ability or necessity to answer for or be responsible for one's conduct; SYN. responsibleness.

Reč dana 06.10.2024.

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