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profit | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Bénéfice.
2. Gain.

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Pay including basic pay plus any additional payments such as overtime pay or bonus payments. For example, if a worker is paid Ł150 for his or her basic week, Ł20 for overtime work, a Ł10 bonus for regular attendance, and Ł15 as a productivity bonus, then the total earnings would be Ł195. Gross earnings are earnings before deductions such as income tax and national insurance contributions have been taken away. Net earnings are earnings after deductions. + prikaži više



The amount by which the revenue of a business exceeds its cost of operating.
The amount of amplification used in an electrical circuit. Gain is usually measured in decibels, but it can also be expressed as the ratio of output power to input power.
In ele
ctronics, the ratio of the amplitude of the output signal produced by an amplifier to that of the input signal. In a voltage amplifier the voltage gain is the ratio of the output voltage to the input voltage; in an inverting operational amplifier (op-amp) it is equal to the ratio of the resistance of the feedback resistor to that of the input resistor.
The increase in the amplitude of a signal, as of voltage, current, or power, that is produced by a circuit. Gain can be expressed as a factor or in decibels. See also decibel.
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ETYM French, from Latin profectus advance, progress, profit, from profectum. Related to Proficient.
(Homonym: prophet).
The advantageous quality of being beneficial; SYN. gain.
Amount by which total revenue exceeds total cost. It is the reward for risk-taking for stockholders in a business organizati
on. Gross profit is the difference between sales revenue and the direct cost of production. Net profit is total revenue minus total direct and indirect cost (for example, overheads, the cost of running the business).
Normal profit is the profit needed to keep a firm from switching its resources into the production of other goods and services. Abnormal profit is profit earned over and above normal profit. Pre-tax profit is profit before corporation tax and any other taxes on profit have been paid; post-tax profit is profit after tax. Retained profit is profit not distributed to stockholders but kept back to invest in the business.
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