műre prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

műre | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. Prêt ŕ être consommé. Fruit műr.
2. Adulte. Âge műr.
3. Réfléchi. Esprit műr.

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1. Characteristic of maturity
2. Fully considered and perfected; SYN. matured.
3. Having reached full natural growth or development

abloom · adult · aged · autumnal · big · developed · efflorescent · fledged · fledgeling · fledgling · fruiting · full-blown · full-fledged · full-grown · fully fledged · fully grown · grown · grownup · headed · marriageable · matured · mellow · mellowed · meridian · nubile · old · overblown · overripe · prime · ripe · ripened + prikaži više



1. At the highest point of development especially in judgment or knowledge
2. Fully developed or matured and ready to be eaten or used; SYN. mature.
3. Fully prepared or eager

advanced · aged · good · late · mature · mellow · mellowed · opportune · overripe · ready · right · ripened + prikaži više
műre | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodbotanika

1. Le fruit du műrier ou du roncier.
2. Il y a ambiguďté sur le fruit : la műre sauvage, fruit du roncier, étant beaucoup plus savoureuse que le fruit du műrier, la confiture de 'mures' peut être une escroquerie.

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nemački · srpski



ETYM Old Eng. blakberye, AS. blaecberie; blaec black + berie berry.
Prickly shrub Rubus fruticosus of the rose family, closely allied to raspberries and dewberries, that is native to northern parts of Europe.
It produces pink or white blossoms and edible, black, compound fruits.
The North American blackberry R. allegheniensis has white blossoms and grows wild in Canada and E US.
1. Bramble with sweet edible black or dark purple berries that usually do not separate from the receptacle; SYN. blackberry bush.
2. Large sweet black or very dark purple edible aggregate fruit of any of various bushes of the genus Rubus.
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ETYM Old Eng. moolbery, murberie, AS. murberie, where the first part is from Latin morum mulberry. Related to Murrey, Sycamore.
Any tree of the genus Morus, family Moraceae, consisting of a dozen species, including the black mulberry M. nigra.
It is native to W Asia and
has heart-shaped, toothed leaves, and spikes of whitish flowers. It is widely cultivated for its fruit, which, made up of a cluster of small drupes, resembles a raspberry. The leaves of the Asiatic white mulberry M. alba are those used in feeding silkworms.
The red mulberry M. rubra of the E US also has large edible multiple fruit.
1. Any of several trees of the genus Morus having edible fruit that resembles the blackberry; SYN. mulberry tree.
2. Sweet usually dark purple blackberry-like fruit of any of several mulberry trees of the genus Morus.
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