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ETYM Old Eng. heep, heap, heap, multitude, AS. heáp; akin to OS. hôp, Dutch hoop, Old High Germ. houf, hűfo, German haufe, haufen, Swed. hop, Dan. hob, Icel. hôpr troop, flock, Russ. kupa heap, crowd, Lith. kaupas. Related to Hope, in Forlorn hope.
1. A great number or large quantity of things placed in a disordered pile.
2. A pile or mass; a collection of things laid in a body, or thrown together so as to form mound.
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agglomerate · batch · bus · cumulation · cumulus · deal · flock · good deal · great deal · hatful · jalopy · lot · mass · mess · mickle · mint · mound · muckle · peck · pile · plenty · pot · quite a little · raft · sight · slew · spate · stack · tidy sum · wad · whole lot · whole slew + prikaži više



1. A collection of objects laid on top of each other; SYN. heap, mound.
2. A column of wood or steel or concrete that is driven into the ground to provide suppo
rt for a structure; SYN. spile, piling, stilt.
3. Informal: a large sum of money.
4. The yarn (as in a rug or velvet) that stands up from the weave.
5. Upside-down wedge at an acute angle on a coat of arms
6. In nuclear physics, controlled arrangement of fissionable material for producing a chain reaction.
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