1. Réservé. Caractère modeste.
2. Petit.
3. Humble. Appartement modeste.
ETYM Perh. from Old Fren. de murs (i. e., de bonnes murs of good manners); de of + murs, mours, meurs, mors, French moeurs, from Latin mores (sing. mos) manners, morals (see Moral); or more prob. from Old Fren. meür, French műr mature, ripe (see Mature) in a phrase preceded by de, as de műre conduite of mature conduct.
1. Of sober or serious mien; composed and decorous in bearing; of modest look; staid; grave.
2. Affectedly modest, decorous, or serious; making a show of gravity.
ETYM Scot.
1. Low or inferior in station or quality; SYN. low, lowly, modest, small.
2. Marked by meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful.
3. Used of unskilled work (especially domestic work); SYN. menial, lowly.
ETYM French modeste, Latin modestus, from modus measure. Related to Mode.
1. Free from ostentation or pretension; SYN. restrained, unostentatious.
2. Free from pomp or affectation; SYN. plain, simple.
3. Marked by simplicity; having a humble opinion of oneself.
4. Not large but sufficient in size or amount; SYN. small.
5. Not offensive to sexual mores in conduct or appearance.
Not arrogant or presuming; SYN. unassuming.