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brand name


A trademark associated with a particular product or company.
An arbitrarily adopted name that is given by a manufacturer or merchant to an article or service to distinguish it as produced or sold by that manufacturer or merchant and that may be used and protected as a trademark

brand · marque · trade name



ETYM AS. clawu, clâ, cleó; akin to Dutch klaauw, German klaue, Icel. klô, Swed. and Dan. klo, and perh. to Eng. clew.
1. A bird's foot that has claws.
2. A structure like a pincer on the limb of a cr
ustacean or other arthropods; SYN. chela, nipper, pincer.
3. Sharp curved horny process on the toe of a bird or some mammals or reptiles; SYN. unguis.
Hard, hooked, pointed outgrowth of the digits of mammals, birds, and most reptiles. Claws are composed of the protein keratin, and grow continuously from a bundle of cells in the lower skin layer. Hooves and nails are modified structures with the same origin as claws.
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chela · hook · nipper · pincer



ETYM French, heel, spur, Late Lat. talo, from Latin talus the ankle, heel.
A sharp hooked claw esp. on a bird of prey.

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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

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