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Pictorial representation of numerical data, such as statistical data, or a method of showing the mathematical relationship between two or more variables by drawing a diagram.
There are often two axes, or reference lines, at right angles
intersecting at the origin—the zero point, from which values of the variables (for example, distance and time for a moving object) are assigned along the axes. Pairs of simultaneous values (the distance moved after a particular time) are plotted as points in the area between the axes, and the points then joined by a smooth curve to produce a graph.
A drawing illustrating the relations between certain quantities plotted with reference to a set of axes; SYN. graphical record.
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graphical record



1. The activity of putting something in written form.
2. Letters or symbols written or imprinted on a surface; SYN. symbolic representation.
3. Reading matter; anything expressed in letters of the alphabet (especially when considered from the point of view of style and effect); SYN. written material.
4. The act of creating written
works; SYN. authorship, composition, penning.
5. (Usually plural) The collected work of an author.
Any written form of communication using a set of symbols: see alphabet, cuneiform, hieroglyphic. The last two used ideographs (picture writing) and phonetic word symbols side by side, as does modern Chinese. Syllabic writing, as in Japanese, develops from the continued use of a symbol to represent the sound of a short word. Some 8,000-year-old inscriptions, thought to be pictographs, were found on animal bones and tortoise shells in Henan province, China, at a Neolithic site at Jiahu. They are thought to predate by 2,500 years the oldest known writing (Mesopotamian cuneiform of 3,500 BC).
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authorship · committal to writing · composition · penning · piece of writing · written material + prikaži više

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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, vojska
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, životinja