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A flavored sugar topping used to coat and decorate cakes; SYN. icing, ice.

ice · icing



ETYM Old Eng. is, iis, as. îs; aksin to Dutch ijs, German eis, Old High Germ. îs, Icel. îss, Swed. is, Dan. iis, and perh. to Eng. iron.
Solid formed by water when it freezes. It is colorless and its crystals
are hexagonal. The water molecules are held together by hydrogen bonds.
The freezing point of ice, used as a standard for measuring temperature, is 0ş for the Celsius and Réaumur scales and 32ş for the Fahrenheit. Ice expands in the act of freezing (hence burst pipes), becoming less dense than water (0.9175 at 5şC/41şF).
1. Water frozen in the solid state; SYN. water ice.
2. The frozen part of a body of water.
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1. A sweet flavored usually creamy mixture used to coat baked goods (as cupcakes) — called also frosting
2. Something that adds to the interest value or appeal of an item or event — often used in the phrase icing on the cake



ETYM Old Eng. mirour, French miroir, Old Fren. also mireor, from (assumed) Late Lat. miratorium, from mirare to look at, Latin mirari to wonder. Related to Marvel, Miracle, Mirador.
1. A faithful depiction or reflection.
2. A polished surface that forms images by reflecting light.
Any polished surface that reflects light; often made from “silvered” glass (in practice, a mercury-alloy coating of glass). A plane (flat) mirror produces a same-size, erect “virtual” image located behind the mirror at the same distance from it as the
object is in front of it. A spherical concave mirror produces a reduced, inverted real image in front or an enlarged, erect virtual image behind it (as in a shaving mirror), depending on how close the object is to the mirror. A spherical convex mirror produces a reduced, erect virtual image behind it (as in a car’s rear-view mirror).
In a plane mirror the light rays appear to come from behind the mirror but do not actually do so. The inverted real image from a spherical concave mirror is an image in which the rays of light pass through it. The focal length f of a spherical mirror is half the radius of curvature; it is related to the image distance v and object distance u by the equation 1/v + 1/u = 1/f.
Liquid mirrors using, for example mercury, are formed by rotating the liquid so that gravity and centrifugal forces shape it into a perfect parabola. They have a number of advantages over solid mirrors: they do not sag and so can theoretically be made much larger; they are cheaper, and need no polishing. In 1994 a small number of liquid-mirror telescopes had been built for research purposes.
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cream ice


ice cream


Frozen dessert containing cream and sugar and flavoring.
Rich, creamy, frozen confectionery, made commercially from the early 20th century from various milk p
roducts, sugar, and fruit and nut flavorings, usually with additives to improve keeping qualities and ease of serving. Sherbet is a frozen dessert of watered fruit juice, egg white, and sugar, like an ice, but with gelatin and milk added. ice-cream
A sweet flavored frozen food containing cream or butterfat and usually eggs.
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1. Covered with ice; chilled with ice.
2. Covered with something resembling ice, as sugar icing; frosted.

Još sličnih reči

gaélique | géologue | glacée | glauque | gluc | gluco | goulag

Reč dana 06.10.2024.

imenica, gpl radicesmath
glagol, elektrotehnika
ženski rod, železnica
glagol, gramatika