fantastique prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

fantastique | francusko - engleski rečnik



ETYM French fantastique, from Greek, able to represent, from phainein to make visible. Related to Fancy.
1. Extravagantly fanciful an
d unrealistic; foolish.
2. Extraordinarily good; used especially as intensifiers; SYN. howling, marvelous, rattling, terrific, tremendous, wonderful, wondrous.
3. Existing in fancy only; SYN. fantastical.
4. Exceedingly or unbelievably great; SYN. phenomenal.
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A-one · ace · antic · crack · extraordinary · fancy · fantastical · first-rate · grand · grotesque · howling · marvellous · marvelous · phenomenal · rattling · strange · super · superior · terrific · tiptop · topnotch · tops · tremendous · unreal · unrealistic · unusual · wild · wonderful · wondrous + prikaži više

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