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1. âme. Communion d'esprit.
2. Intelligence. Avoir de l'esprit.
3. Humour. Répondre avec esprit.
4. Fantôme. Esprit frappeur.

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ETYM French See Spirit.
(French) Wit; vivacity; quick intelligence. esprit de corps, loyalty to organization, corps or fellow-members; team spirit. esprit de l’escalier, “wit of the staircase”; (witty) remark, retort one wishes one had thought of at the time. esprit fort, religious free-thinker.
Liveliness of mind or spirit.
Trade name of a
n international group of companies designing garments, accessories, and lifestyle products. The company has become well known for its Ecollection which is launched biannually. The garments are made from organically grown cotton which has not been bleached. Esprit also sells handmade accessories such as glass beads, earrings, tagua nut buttons from Brazil, and bracelets made by the Huichol Indians in Mexico.
Founded 1968 by Susie and Doug Tompkins, Esprit initially designed fashionable sportswear for the US market. A German-based division with its own design team was established 1977 and has become one of the best-known fashion brand names in Germany. Esprit UK was founded 1987, but was subsequently bought by Esprit Europe.
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ETYM Old Eng. gast, gost, soul, spirit, AS. gâst breath, spirit, soul; akin to OS. gaest spirit, soul, Dutch geest, German geist, and prob. to Eng. gaze, ghastly.
1. A mental representation of some haunting experience; SYN. shade, spook, wraith, specter, spectre.
2. The visible disembodied soul of a dead person.



ETYM as. mynd, gemynd.
(Homonym: mined).
1. That which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason; SYN. head, brain, psyche, nous.
2. Knowledge and intellectual ability; SYN. intellect.
3. One's intention; what one intends to do; SYN. idea.
4. Recall or remembrance.
5. Attention.
6. An intellectual being; SYN. thinker.
In philosophy, the presumed m
ental or physical being or faculty that enables a person to think, will, and feel; the seat of the intelligence and of memory; sometimes only the cognitive or intellectual powers, as distinguished from the will and the emotions.
Mind may be seen as synonymous with the merely random chemical reactions within the brain, or as a function of the brain as a whole, or (more traditionally) as existing independently of the physical brain, through which it expresses itself, or even as the only reality, matter being considered the creation of intelligence. The relation of mind to matter may be variously regarded. Traditionally, materialism identifies mental and physical phenomena equally in terms of matter and motion. Dualism holds that mind and matter exist independently side by side. Idealism maintains that mind is the ultimate reality and that matter does not exist apart from it.
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brain · creative thinker · head · idea · intellect · judgement · judgment · nou · psyche · thinker + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. fantome, fantosme, fantesme, Old Fren. fantôme, from Latin phantasma, Greek, from phanastai to show. Related to Fancy, Phaëton, Phantasm, Phase.
1. A ghost; the apparition of a dead person.
2. Any residual trace or faint idea.

apparition · fantasm · phantasm · phantasma · shadow · specter · spectr + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. soule, saule, as. sâwel, sâwl; akin to OFries. sôle, os. seola, Dutch ziel, German seele, Old High Germ. soela.
(Homonym: sole).
1. Deep feeling or emotion; SYN. soulfulness.
2. The human embodiment of something.
3. The immaterial part of a person; the actuating cause of an individual life; SYN. psyche.
According to many religions, an intangible part of a human being that survives the death of the physica
l body. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all teach that at the end of the world each soul will be judged and assigned to heaven or hell on its merits.
According to orthodox Jewish doctrine, most souls first spend time in purgatory to be purged of their sins, and are then removed to paradise. In Christianity the soul is that part of the person that can be redeemed from sin through divine grace.
In other religions, such as Hinduism, the soul is thought to undergo reincarnation until the individual reaches enlightenment and is freed from the cycle of rebirth. According to the teachings of Buddhism, no permanent self or soul exists.
In his 1990 New Year’s message, Pope John Paul ii asserted that “animals possess a soul and that man must love and feel.
Solidarity with our smaller brethren”. This statement is still a source of considerable debate within the Roman Catholic Church.
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individual · morta · person · psyche · somebody · someone · soulfulness + prikaži više



ETYM Old Fren. espirit, esperit, French esprit, Latin spiritus, from spirare to breathe, to blow. Related to Conspire, Expire, Esprit, Sprite.
1. A fundamental emotional and activating pr
inciple determining one's character.
2. Any incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or audible) to human beings.
3. The general atmosphere of a place or situation; SYN. tone, feel, feeling, flavor, look, smell.
4. The vital principle or animating force within living things.
5. Strong alcoholic beverage, other type of alcohol, or white spirit.
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disembodied spirit · emotional state · feel · feeling · flavor · flavour · heart · intent · life · liveliness · look · purport · smell · sprightliness · tone + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. sprit, French esprit, from Latin spiritus. Related to Spirit, Sprightly.
1. A spirit; a soul; a shade; also, an apparition.
2. An elf; a fairy; a goblin.
In co
mputing, a graphics object made up of a pattern of pixels (picture elements) defined by a computer programmer. Some high-level languages and applications programs contain routines that allow a user to define the shape, colors, and other characteristics of individual graphics objects. These objects can then be manipulated and combined to produce animated games or graphic screen displays. + prikaži više

faerie · faery · fairy · fay



ETYM AS. witt, wit; akin to OFries. wit, German witz, Old High Germ. wizzî, Icel. vit, Dan. vid, Swed. vett. Related to Wit.
(Homonym: whit).
A message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter; SYN. humor, humour, witticism, wittiness.

brain · brainpower · card · humor · humour · learning ability · mental capacity · mentality · wag · witticism · wittiness + prikaži više



The quality of being witty.

humor · humour · wit · witticism

Reč dana 05.10.2024.

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