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pridevsleng, dijalekt

(Familier) Très agréable.
2. Agréable.
3. Joli.

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1. Slightly cold; SYN. cold, fresh, dank, chilled, chilly.
2. Neither warm or very cold; giving relief from heat.
3. Psychologically cool; unfriendly or unresponsive or showing dislike.
4. Calm and unemotional.
5. Disinterested or dispa
6. (Music) Restrained and fluid and marked by intricate harmonic structures often lagging slightly behind the beat.
7. Marked by calm self-control especially in trying circumstances; SYN. coolheaded, nerveless.
8. (Color) Inducing the impression of coolness; used especially of greens and blues and violets.
9. (Informal) Marked by great skill or facility.
10. (Informal; of a number or sum) Without exaggeration or qualification; SYN. unqualiied.
11. (Informal) Socially adept.
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ETYM Colloq. Eng.
1. In a state of cowardly fright.
2. (Of jazz) Having the soulful feeling of early blues; SYN. low-down.

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pridevsleng, dijalekt

Very good; very attractive; fine

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ženski rodptica

Oiseau de nuit.

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ETYM AS. űle; akin to Dutch uil, Old High Germ. űwila, German eule, Icel. ugla, Swed. ugla, Dan. ugle.
Nocturnal bird of prey with hawk-like beak and claws and large head with front-facing eyes; SYN. bird of Minerva, bird of night.
Any bird of the order Strigiformes, found worldwide. They are mainly nocturnal birds of prey, with mobile heads, soundless flight, acute hearing, and forward-facing immobile eyes, surrounded by “facial discs” of rayed feathers. All species lay wh
ite eggs, and begin incubation as soon as the first is laid. They regurgitate indigestible remains of their prey in pellets (castings).
Owls comprise two families: typical owls, family Strigidae, of which there are about 120 species; and barn owls, family Tytonidae, of which there are 10 species.
The snowy owl Nyctea scandiaca lives in the Arctic. The largest of the owls are the eagle owl Bubo bubo, of Eurasia, and the powerful owl Ninox strenua, of Australia, both up to 0.75 m/2.25 ft long. The worldwide common barn owl Tyto alba is now diminished by pesticides and loss of habitat; in Malaysia, it is used for rat control.
The short-eared owl Asio flammeus, of North America, South America, and Eurasia, is a streaked tawny color, about 38 cm/15 in long; it hunts at dawn and dusk and roosts mainly on the ground. The great horned owl Bubo virginianus, of North and South America, measures 56 cm/22 in, has long ear-tufts, and lives in forests, grasslands, and deserts.
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bird of Minerva · bird of night · hooter

screech owl


1. Any owl that has a screeching cry.
2. Small North American owl having hornlike tufts of feathers; SYN. Otus asio.

Otus asio
Chouette! | francusko - engleski rečnik



Expression de satisfaction. Tu as gagné la loterie ? Chouette !
Interjection qui exprime la satisfaction.

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