bureau prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

bureau | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Table. Bureau ŕ tiroirs. Table de travail.
2. Lieu de travail. Aller au bureau.
3. Service. Bureau commercial.
4. Directoire. Bureau d'une association.

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ETYM French bureau a writing table, desk, office, Old Fren., drugget, with which a writing table was often covered, equiv. to French bure, and from Old Fren. buire dark brown.
1. A desk or writing table with drawers for papers.
2. A department of public business requiring a force of clerks; the body of officials in a department who labor under the direction of a chief.
3. A chest of drawers for clothes, especially when made as an ornamental piece of furniture.
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agency · authority · chest · chest of drawers · dresser · federal agency · government agency · office + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. deske, the same word as dish, disk. Related to Dish, Disk.
A piece of furniture with a writing surface and usually drawers or other compartments.
1. A table, frame, or case with a
sloping or horizontal surface especially for writing and reading and often with drawers, compartments, and pigeonholes.
2. A reading table or lectern from which a liturgical service is read.
3. A table, counter, stand, or booth at which a person works.
4. A division of an organization specializing in a particular phase of activity.
5. A seating position according to rank in an orchestra.
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ETYM French, from Latin officium, for opificium; ops ability, wealth, holp + facere to do or make. Related to Opulent, Fact.
1. A place where pr
ofessional or clerical duties are performed.
2. Professional or clerical workers in an office; SYN. office staff.
3. (Of a government or government official) Holding an office means being in power; SYN. power.
4. A religious rite or service prescribed by ecclesiastical authorities.
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