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muški rodbotanika

èspèce d'oignon d'une odeur et d'un goűt très forts, composé de plusieurs petites gousses réunies sous une enveloppe commune.

Prevedi ail na:

srpski · nemački



ETYM Old Eng. garlek, AS. gârleác; gar spear, lance + leác leek. Related to Gar, and Leek.
1. Aromatic bulb used as seasoning; SYN. ail.
2. Bulbous herb of southern Europe widely naturalized; bulb breaks up into separate strong-flavored cl
oves; SYN. Allium sativum.
Perennial plant Allium sativum of the lily family Liliaceae, with white flowers. The bulb, made of small segments, or cloves, is used in cooking. Garlic has been used effectively as a fungicide in sorghum. It also has antibacterial properties. In tests 1994 US doctors found freshly pressed garlic extract killed a number of bacteria, including drug-resistant strains, even when diluted to one part in 250. Its effectiveness is probably due to allicin, a simple organic disulfide.
+ prikaži više

Allium sativum · ail

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aďeul | aďeule | aile | ailée | aďoli | Al | ale | aléa | Allah | allée | alleu | allié | alliée | Allô? | allo

Reč dana 06.10.2024.

imenica, gpl radicesmath
glagol, elektrotehnika
ženski rod, železnica
glagol, gramatika