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ETYM French, from Latin unio oneness, union, a single large pearl, a kind of onion, from unus one. Related to One, Onion, Unit.
1. The state of being united.
2. Making or becoming a single unit; SYN. unification, uniting.
3. The occurrence of a uniting of separate parts.

4. An organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer; SYN. labor union, trade union, trades union, brotherhood.
5. A set containing all and only the members of two or more given sets; SYN. sum, join.
6. A political unit formed from previously independent people or organizations.
7. A device on a national flag emblematic of the union of two or more sovereignties (typically in the upper inner corner).
A form of pipe fitting where two extension pipes are joined at a separable coupling.
Association of workers, see trade union.

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Eine Kapitalgesellschaft des Bergrechts ohne festes Grundkapital, deren Mitgl. (Gewerken) nur nach Bedarf Zubußen zu leisten haben, sich aber durch Verzicht auf ihren Anteil (Kux) von dieser Pflicht befreien können.

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freiwilliger Zusammenschluß von Personen, die unter gemeinschaftl. Namen einen bestimmten Zweck verfolgen. Auf den nicht-rechtsfähige V., dere nicht ins Vereinsregister eingetragen ist, finden die Regeln der Gesellschaft bürgerl. Rechts Anwendung; dagegen ist der eingetragene V. eine jurist. Person.
Untertypus der rechtl. Personenvereinigung zur Erreichung gemeinsamer Zwecke, dessen Geschäftsführung u. Vertretung bes. Organen übertragen ist (körperschaftl. Verfassung). Nach ihrem Zweck gibt es z.B. polit., religiöse, kulturelle, gesellschaftl., sportl. u. wirtsch. V. Nach der Rechtsform gehören hierher außer dem eingetragenen V. u. dem nichtrechtsfähigen V. bes. AG, GmbH u. eingetragene Genossenschaft.
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Union | englesko - nemački rečnik



Being of or having to do with the northern United States and those loyal to the Union during the Civil War; Also called: Federal.

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Of trade unions

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Union | englesko - nemački rečnik



1. City in Iowa (USA); zip code 50258.
2. City in Kentucky (USA); zip code 41091.
3. City in Missouri (USA); zip code 63084.
4. City in Ohio (USA); zip code 45322.
5. City in Oregon (USA); zip code 97883.
6. City in South Carolina (USA); zip code 29379.
7. The United States during the Civil War; Also called: North.
8. Town in Alabama (USA).
9. Town in Mississippi (USA); zip code 39365.
10. Town in West Virginia (USA); zip code 24983.
11. Unincorporated community in New Jersey (USA).
12. Unincorporated community in Utah (USA).
13. Village in Illinois (USA); zip code 60180.
14. Village in Nebraska (USA); zip code 68455.

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1. In set theory, the smallest combination of two sets that contains all elements of both sets.
2. In logic, an inclusive OR operation—that is, the result, C, of any union of A and B is true (1) except when A and B are both false (0). See the
3. In programming, a structure that can be used to store different types of variables (such as integer, character, or Boolean).
4. In database management, a relational operator. Given two relations (tables), A and B, that are union-compatible (contain the same number of fields, with corresponding fields containing the same types of values), A UNION B builds a new relation containing those tuples (records) that appear either in A or in B or in both. Compare difference, intersect.

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