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Slang British; a police informer


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Polizeiagent, Aushorcher, Spion.

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grass | englesko - nemački rečnik


imenicagpl grassesbot

ETYM Old Eng. gras, gres, gers, AS, graes, gaers; akin to OFries. gres, gers, OS., Dutch, German, Icel., and Goth. gras, Dan. graes, Swed. gräs, and prob. to Eng. green, grow. Related to Graze.
(Irregular plural: grasses).r /> Narrow-leaved green herbage: grown as lawns; used as pasture for grazing animals; cut and dried as hay.
Plant of the large family Gramineae of monocotyledons, with about 9,000 species distributed worldwide except in the Arctic regions. The majority are perennial, with long, narrow leaves and jointed, hollow stems; hermaphroditic flowers are borne in spikelets; the fruits are grainlike. Included are bluegrass, wheat, rye, corn, sugarcane, and bamboo.

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Grass | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(1927-) German writer. The grotesque humor and socialist feeling of his novels Die Blechtrommel/The Tin Drum 1959 and Der Butt/The Flounder 1977 are also characteristic of many of his poems.
Born in Danzig (now Gdansk), he studied at the art academies of Düsseldorf and Berlin, worked as a writer and sculptor (first in Paris and later in Berlin), and in 1958 won the coveted “Group 47” prize.

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Günter, Danzig 16.10.1927, dt. Schriftsteller. G. gehörte zur 'Gruppe 47' und war für die Sozialdemokratie polit. engagiert ('Ich empfehle euch, EsPeDe zu wählen'). Sein literar. Schaffen ist zeitkrit. und realist. mit naturalist. und grotesken Momenten. G. schuf lyr. und dramat. Werke, wurde jedoch v.a. durch seine Romane bekannt, u.a. 'Die Blechtrommel' (1959), 'Hundejahre' (1963), 'Der Butt', (1977), 'Unkenrufe. Eine Erzählung', 1992). Zu nennen aber sind auch Erzählungen wie 'Katz und Maus' (1961) und 'Das Treffen in Teltge' (1979). + prikaži više

grass | englesko - nemački rečnik



ETYM See Grass (n.).
1. To cover with grass; SYN. grass over.
2. To cover with grass, as of a piece of land.
3. To feed with grass.
4. To shoot down, of birds.
5. To spread out clothes on the grass to let it dry and bleach.

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