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rate | englesko - francuski rečnik



ETYM Old Fren., from Latin rata (sc. pars), from ratus reckoned, fixed by calculation, p. p. of reri to reckon, to calculate. Related to Reason.
1. Amount of a charge or payment relative to some basis; SYN. charge per unit.
2. A magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit.
3. (British) A local tax on property (usually used in the plural).

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charge per unit · pace
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ženski rod

1. Vitesse. Ŕ toute allure.
2. Pas. Une allure de sénateur.
3. Air.
4. Mine.
5. (Familier) Dégaine. Une allure de reine.

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muški rod

1. Taux. Un pourcentage réduit.
2. Commission. Un pourcentage sur les ventes.

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muški rod

1. Cadence.
2. Tempo. Un rythme rapide.
3. Retour périodique. Rythme des saisons, du pouls.

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muški rod

1. Montant. Taux bancaire.
2. Proportion.
3. Pourcentage. Taux de matières radioactives dans l'air.

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rate | englesko - francuski rečnik



ETYM Perh. from Eng. rate, v. t., to value at a certain rate, to estimate, but more prob. from Swed. rata to find fault, to blame, to despise, to hold cheap; cf. Icel. hrat refuse, hrati rubbish.
1. To assign a rank or rating to; SYN. rank, range, order, grade, place.
2. To be worthy of or have a certain rating; SYN. deserve, merit.
3. To estimate the value of something; SYN. value.

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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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