Coin prevod sa engleskog na francuski online

coin | englesko - francuski rečnik



ETYM French coin, formerly also coing, wedge, stamp, corner, from Latin cuneus wedge; prob. akin to Eng. cone, hone. Related to Hone, Coigne, Quoin, Cuneiform.
(Homonym: quoin).
A metal piece (usually a disc) used as money.
Acronym for counter insurgency, the suppression by a state’s armed forces of uprisings against the state. Also called internal security (is) operations of counterrevolutionary warfare (crw).r /> Form of money. The right to make and issue coins is a state monopoly, and the great majority are tokens in that their face value is greater than that of the metal of which they consist.
A milled edge, originally used on gold and silver coins to avoid fraudulent “clipping” of the edges of precious-metal coins, is retained in some present-day token coinage. The invention of coinage is attributed to the Chinese in the 2nd millennium bc, the earliest types being small-scale bronze reproductions of barter objects such as knives and spades. In the Western world, coinage of stamped, guaranteed weight originated with the Lydians of Asia Minor (early 7th century bc) who used electrum, a local natural mixture of gold and silver; the first to issue gold and silver coins was Croesus of Lydia in the 6th century bc.
The study of coins is called numismatics.

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ženski rod

1. Salle. Une pièce de réception.
2. Monnaie. Une pièce de dix francs.
3. Morceau. Une pièce du puzzle.
4. Oeuvre. Une pièce de théâtre.
5. Document. Une pièce d'un dossier.

coin | englesko - francuski rečnik



Said of money: to make coins by stamping them in metal; to mint.
Said of phrases or words: to invent a phrase or word; to create a neologism.

mint · strike
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Coin | englesko - francuski rečnik



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