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1. A superior quality of strong durable white writing paper; originally made for printing documents; SYN. bond paper.
2. An interest-bearing (or discounted) certificate of debt issued by a government or corporation in order to raise money; SYN. bond certificate.

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ženski rod

1. Lien, courroie, etc.
2. En général, ce qui sert ŕ attacher.


ženski rodfinansije
abondant · acceptable · accessible · admissible · adoré · adroit · adéquat · affable · affectueux · agréable · agréablement · aimable · altruiste · amusant · angélique · approprié · appétissant · apte · aromatique · attestation · authentique · autorisation · avantageux · avisé · beau · benoît · bien · bien bâti · bien tassé · bienfaisant · bienfaiteur · bienveillant · billet · biquet · bonard · bonasse · bonhomme · boniface · bonté · brave · bénin · bénéfique · bénévole · bête · candide · capable · carabiné · certain · certificat · certifié · charitable · charmant · chaud · cher · chic · chéri · clément · comme il faut · commode · compatissant · complaisant · complet · consciencieux · considérable · convaincant · convenable · copieux · cordial · correct · costaud · coupon · coupure · courageux · crédule · cuit · digne · distingué · divin · doux · doué · droit · drôle · débonnaire · décent · délectable · délicat · délicieusement · délicieux · désintéressé · dévoué · efficace · emballé · enviable · estimable · exact · excellent · exemplaire · expert · exquis · extra · faible · fait · fameux · faste · favorable · ferme · fermement · fertile · fidèle · formidable · fort · franc · friand · fructueux · gai · gentil · gracieux · grand · gros · génial · généreux · habile · haut · heureux · honnête · honorable · humain · humanitaire · héroïque · important · indulgent · ingénieux · ingénu · innocent · inoffensif · instructif · intéressant · joli · joyeux · judicieux · juste · louable · lucratif · magnanime · mangeable · meilleur · merveilleux · miséricordieux · modèle · moral · moyen · méritant · méritoire · naïf · noble · obligeant · opportun · opérant · ouvert · parfait · passable · paterne · paternel · performant · philanthrope · piquant · pitoyable · plaisant · plausible · plein · pondéré · potable · prodigue · productif · profitable · propice · propre · providentiel · prudent · précieux · prêt · pur · raisonnable · recevable · remarquable · rentable · reposant · riche · rigoureux · robuste · réconfortant · rémunérateur · sage · sain · salutaire · satisfaisant · sauf · sauvé · savoureux · secourable · sensible · sentimental · serviable · simple · sociable · soit · solide · solidement · sortable · souverain · spirituel · stable · strict · suave · succulent · suffisant · supérieur · susceptible · sérieux · sûr · tendre · ticket · titre · tolérant · tutélaire · utile · utilisable · valable · valeur · valide · vertueux · vrai · vénérable · véritable · à point · éclairé · élevé · énergique · équitable + prikaži više


muški rod

1. Acte.
2. Engagement. Contrat de mariage.
3. Marché. Contrat de travaux.


ženski rod

1. Union. Liaison entre atomes, entre personnes.
2. Enchaînement. Liaison des idées.
3. Communication. Liaison aérienne.
4. Aventure. Une liaison extra-conjugale.


muški rod

1. Chaîne. Lien solide.
2. Attachement. Lien affectif.
3. Relation. Lien de cause ŕ effet.

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bond | englesko - francuski rečnik



1. To bring together in a common cause or emotion; SYN. bring together, draw together.
2. To issue bonds on.
3. In masonry, method of placing bricks or stones. English bond, laying of bricks in alternate courses of headers and stretchers.
4. Flemish bond, methods in which each course comprises alternate headers and stretchers.

adhere · attach · bind · bring together · draw together · hold fast · stick · stick t · tie + prikaži više
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1. Réunir.
2. Fixer.
3. Lier. Attacher un animal.
4. (Au figuré) Attribuer.
5. (Au figuré) Accorder. Attacher de l'importance.
6. (Pron.) Apprécier. S'attacher ŕ quelqu'un.



1. Attacher. Lier deux fils.
2. Enchaîner. Lier les bras.
3. Engager. Un serment qui lie.



1. Joindre.
2. Lier.
3. Réunir.

accoler · assembler · braser · conglomérer · conglutiner · fusionner · joindre · joindre intimement · raccorder · réunir · solidariser · unir + prikaži više
bond | englesko - francuski rečnik



Held in slavery; SYN. enslaved, enthralled, in bondage.

enslaved · enthralled · in bondage · slave
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muški rodlično ime

US astronomer who established the Harvard College Observatory as a center of astronomical research. Much of his work as done in collaboration with his son George Phillips Bond. He also designed chronometers.
Bond was born in Falmouth, Maine, and worked as a watchmaker. An amateur astronomer, he was one of the independent observers who discovered the comet of
1811. He was commissioned by Harvard College to investigate the equipment at observatories in England during a trip he made there in 1815, and in 1839 Harvard invited him to move his private observatory into their premises. Bond thus became the first director of the Harvard College Observatory.
William and George Bond discovered Hyperion (the eighth satellite of Saturn) 1848 and the Crępe Ring (a faint ring inside two bright rings) around Saturn 1850. Their observation that stars could be seen through the Crępe Ring led to their conclusion that the rings of Saturn are not solid.
The two Bonds also collaborated on the development of photographic techniques for astronomy. They took superior photographs of the Moon, and the first photographs of stars.

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muški rodlično ime

US astronomer who developed astronomical photography and in 1850 took the first photograph of a star (Vega). His research was carried out at the Harvard Observatory together with his father, William Cranch Bond.
Bond was born in Dorchester, Massachusetts, and educated at Harvard, remain
ing there at the observatory under his father and succeeding him as director when he died 1859.
During the late 1840s the Bonds worked on developing photographic techniques for astronomy. In 1857 George Bond became the first person to photograph a double star, Mizar, with the aid of wet collodion plates. He suggested that a star's magnitude could be quantitatively determined by measuring the size of the image it made. A bright star would affect a greater area of silver grains.
Bond also made numerous studies of comets. He discovered 11 new comets and made calculations on the factors affecting their orbits.

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muški rodlično ime

English dramatist. His early work aroused controversy because of the savagery of some of his imagery, f
or example, the brutal stoning of a baby by bored youths in Saved 1965. Other works include Early Morning 1968, Lear 1972, a reworking of Shakespeare’s play; Bingo 1973, an account of Shakespeare’s last days; and The War Plays 1985.

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muški rodlično ime

English-born Australian entrepreneur. He was chair of the Bond Corporation 1969–90 during the years when its aggressive takeover strategy gave the company interests in brewing, the media, mining, and retailing. In 1983 Bond led a syndicate that sponsored the winning yacht in the America's Cup race. The collapse of the Bond empire 1990 left thousands of investors impoverished and shook both Australian a
nd international business confidence.
By 1988 the Bond Corporation could boast assets of almost A$10 billion (Ł4 billion) and Bond himself, as Australia's fifth-richest man, had an estimated personal wealth of A$400 million. However, his compulsive takeover deals and excessive borrowing from banks eventually led to the corporation's bankruptcy, forcing his resignation Jan 1990 and leaving the company with debts of A$12 billion.
Declared bankrupt April 1992 with debts of at least Ł110 million, Bond was jailed May 1992 on fraud charges relating to the collapse of an Australian merchant bank, although this sentence was quashed by the appeals court Nov 1992. In Jan 1995 he was arrested and charged with fraud and misconduct relating to corporate deals in the 1980s. He was voted out of bankruptcy by his creditors Feb 1995.

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In chemistry, the result of the forces of attraction that hold together atoms of an element or elements to form a molecule. The principal types of bonding are ionic, covalent, metallic, and intermolecular (such as hydrogen bonding).
The strongest known noncovalent bond is the superbond that is formed between avidin, a protein found in egg white, and the growth factor biotin. It is almost impossible to separate the two molecules once bonded. The superbond is used in a number of biomedical research applications.

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Bond · James Bond · Julian Bond · adherence · adhesion · adhesiveness · alliance · attachment · bail · bail bond · bond certificate · bond paper · chemical bond · hamper · shackle · trammel + prikaži više
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In commerce, a security issued by a government, local authority, company, bank, or other institution on fixed interest. Usually a long-term security, a bond may be irredeemable (with no date of redemption), secured (giving the investor a claim on the company's property or on a part of its assets), or unsecured (not protected by a lien). Property bonds are nonfixed securities with the yield fixed to property investment. See also Eurobond.

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Reč dana 16.09.2024.

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