When you are annoyed by something that someone has said or done, you are put out.
1. To set out from shore
2. To make an effort
3. To engage in sexual intercourse
4. To put out considerable effort:
5. To cause to be out (as in baseball or cricket)
6. When you are put out by people, you are annoyed by something they have said or done.
1. When you extinguish a fire or something that is burning, you put it out.
2. When you take something from inside a building or storage place and leave it outside for someone to take, use, or deal with, you put it out.
3. When you put yourself out, you try very hard to help someone.
4. When you put people out, you inconvenience them.
5. When a book, magazine, newspaper, or musical recording is published or issued, it is put out.