dukw značenje | engleski leksikon

dukw značenje | engleski leksikon



Množina: dukws


US amphibious truck of World War II; basically the standard 6 x 6 GMC 2.5 ton cargo truck fitted with buoyancy tanks and with screw propulsion when in the water. Principally used to ferry supplies and men from ship to shore, the DUKW played a vital part in almost every amphibious landing performed by Allied troops.

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.doc | D.C | DAC | Daegu | dag | dagga | dago | Daguao | dak | dawk | DC | DCA | DDC | DDK | Deák | Dec | deca | decay | deck | deckie | decky | deco | decoy | deek | deg | DEK | deka | deke | dekko | deque | dequeue | dg | diag | dick | Dicke | dickey | dickie | dicky | diego | dig | dike | diock | dk | doc | DOCA | dock | doek | dog | doggie | doggo | doggy | doke | douc | DQ | duck | duckie | ducky | dug | duggy | Duke | Duque | dyke | dykey

Reč dana 08.09.2024.

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