deque značenje | engleski leksikon

deque značenje | engleski leksikon



Množina: deques


Short for double-ended que. A form of the queue data structure that can have elements added to or removed from either end of the list. See also queue.
for Double Ended Queue.
As a vector, decue suports random access iterators. But in addition to the vector, which only allows constant time insert and erase operations at the end, a deque supports the constant time execution of these operations at the end as well as at the beginning. Insert and erase in the middle take constant time.

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.doc | D.C | DAC | Daegu | dag | dagga | dago | Daguao | dak | dawk | DC | DCA | DDC | DDK | Deák | Dec | deca | decay | deck | deckie | decky | deco | decoy | deek | deg | DEK | deka | deke | dekko | dequeue | dg | diag | dick | Dicke | dickey | dickie | dicky | diego | dig | dike | diock | dk | doc | DOCA | dock | doek | dog | doggie | doggo | doggy | doke | douc | DQ | duck | duckie | ducky | dug | duggy | Duke | dukw | Duque | dyke | dykey

Reč dana 08.09.2024.

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