Dicke značenje | engleski leksikon

Dicke značenje | engleski leksikon


muški rodlično ime
IPA: / dɪk /

US physicist who in 1964 proposed a version of the Big Bang theory known as the “hot Big Bang”: he suggested that the present expansion of the universe had been preceded by a collapse in which high temperatures had been generated.
Dicke was born in St Louis, Missouri, and studied at Princeton and the University of Rochester. From 1946 he was o
n the staff at Princeton, becoming professor 1957.
When Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson announced they had detected an unexpected and relatively high level of radiation at a wavelength of 7 cm/2.8 in, with a temperature of about 3.5K (-270şC/-453şF), Dicke proposed that this was cosmic black-body radiation from the hot Big Bang.
Dicke carried out experiments to verify the supposition of the general theory of relativity that a gravitational mass is equal to its inertial mass. He was able to establish the equality to an accuracy of one part in 1011. In 1961, he put forward a theory (the Brans–Dicke theory) that the gravitational constant varies with time (by about 10-11 per year). Experiment has not supported this idea.

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Reč dana 08.09.2024.

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