Decatur značenje | engleski leksikon

Decatur značenje | engleski leksikon


muški rodlično ime
IPA: / dɪkeɪtər /

(1779-1820) US naval hero, who distinguished himself in the war with the Barbary pirates at Tripoli 1801–05 when he succeeded in boarding and burning the Philadelphia, a US frigate captured by the enemy. During the War of 1812, he commanded three vessels, captured the British frigate Macedonian, and was blockaded by the British. Then in Jan 1815, unaware that the war was over, he battled four British ships, taking one but surrendering to the three pursuers. In 1815 he was again sent to the Barbary Coast, where he forced the bey of Algiers to sign the treaty ending US tribute to Algeria.
Born in Sinepuxent, Maryland, Decatur was killed in a duel with Commodore James Barron, whose return to duty he had opposed following the Chesapeake-Leopard Incident in 1807, one of the events leading to the War of 1812. Decatur is known for the phrase “Our country, right or wrong”, coined while giving a toast.

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Decatur značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / dɪkeɪtər /

1. City in Alabama (USA).
2. City in Arkansas (USA); zip code 72722.
3. City in Georgia (USA).
4. City in Illinois (USA).
5. City in Indiana (USA); zip code 46733.
6. City in T
exas (USA); zip code 76234.
7. Town in Mississippi (USA); zip code 39327.
8. Town in Tennessee (USA); zip code 37322.
9. Village in Michigan (USA); zip code 49045.
10. Village in Nebraska (USA); zip code 68020.
City in central Illinois, US, on Lake Decatur; It has engineering, food processing, and plastics industries. It was founded 1829 and named for the US naval hero, Stephen Decatur.

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Decatur · Stephen Decatur

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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