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Carter značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / kɑːrtər /

(1940-1992) English writer of the magic realist school. Her works are marked by elements of Gothic fantasy, a fascination with the erotic and the violent, tempered by a complex lyricism and a comic touch. Her novels include The Magic Toyshop 1967 (filmed 1987) and Nights at the Circus 1984. She co-wrote the script for the film The Company of Wolves 1984, based on one of her stories. Her last novel was Wise Children 1991.

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IPA: / kɑːrtər /

Howard 1874-1939 English archaeologist

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IPA: / kɑːrtər /

(James Earl) (1924-) 39th president of the US 1977–81, a Democrat. In 1976 he narrowly wrested the presidency from Gerald Ford. Features of his presidency were the return of the Panama Canal Zone to Panama by 1999, the Camp David Agreements for peace in the Middle East, and the Iranian seizure of US embassy hostages. He was defeated by Ronald Reagan 1980. During the 1990s he emerged as a leading mediator and peace negotiator, securing President Aristide's safe return to Haiti Oct 1994.
Born in Plains, Georgia, Carter served in the navy as a physicist until 1953, when he took over the family peanut business. He first entered politics 1962 when he made a successful bid for the Georgia state senate, and in 1970 was elected governor. In 1976, after a long and hard-fought campaign, he won the Democratic presidential nomination and went on to secure a narrow victory over Gerald Ford, becoming the first president from the deep South since the Civil War.

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Carter značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / kɑːrtər /

(1858-1940) Australian entomologist, born in England. He migrated to Australia in 1881 and worked as school teacher. He became interested in entomology, particularly beetles, and was an avid collector and classifier, describing over 1,000 new species. He was joint editor of the first Australian Encyclopedia 1925–27, supervising the science articles. His published work includes 65 papers and the book Gulliver in the Bush 1933, recording his field experiences in Australia.

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IPA: / kɑːrtər /

(Cook) (1908-) US composer. He created intricately structured works in Schoenbergian serial idiom, incorporating “metrical modulation”, an adaptation of standard notation allowing different instruments or groups to remain synchronized while playing at changing speeds. This practice was first employed in his String Quartet No 1 1950–51, and to dense effect in Double Concerto 1961 for harpsichord and piano. In his eighth decade, his music has shown a new tautness and vitality, as in Three Occasions for Orchestra 1986–89.

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Carter značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / kɑːrtər /

39th President of the United States (1924- ).

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carter značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / kɑːrtər /

Množina: carters


Someone whose work is driving carts.

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Carter značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / kɑːrtər /

Town in Oklahoma (USA); zip code 73627.

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