Argonne značenje | engleski leksikon

Argonne značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / ɑːrɡɑːn /

Wooded plateau in NE France, separating Lorraine and Champagne. It was the scene of heavy fighting in World Wars I and II due to its strategic location.
In World War I, it was the scene of constant fighting as a German advance through the area would threaten Verdun, outflank Chalons, and render the French front on the river Meuse untenable.
In 1914 the right wing of the German Army passed through the Argonne,
but after the Battle of the Marne, fell back again to the area of Varennes. Trenches were dug and apart from local movements the lines remained stable until a German attack June 1915. Savage fighting ensued but what small gains the German made were lost to French counterattacks and the battle was a stalemate. There was a series of minor battles and raids throughout 1916–17 but neither side made any significant impact.
In the autumn of 1918, Marshal Foch determined to clear this area and strike at the Mézičres-Montmédy railroad line, the main German line of communication. The area was well-defended by a local section of the Hindenburg Line and Foch's inexperienced and poorly supplied US–French force encountered stiff resistance, but by 6 Nov 1918 had advanced as far as Sedan. A further push began but was ended by the Armistice.

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