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ETYM Old Eng. propre, French propre, from Latin proprius. Related to Appropriate.
1. Appropriate for a condition or occas
ion; SYN. right, suitable.
2. Marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness.
3. Having all the qualities typical of the thing specified.
4. Limited to the thing specified.
5. Elements of Christian mass that are variable.
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appropriate · becoming · comely · comme il faut · correct · decent · decorous · fitting · halal · kosher · priggish · prim · prissy · prudish · puritanical · real · right · seemly · specific · square-toed · straight-laced · straightlaced · strait-laced · straitlaced · suitable · suited · tight-laced · victorian + prikaži više



ETYM Late Lat. realis, from Latin res, rei, a thing: cf. French réel. Related to Rebus.
(Homonym: reel).
1. Not synthetic or spurious; of real or natural origin; SYN. true.
2. Be
ing or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory;SYN. existent.
3. Possible to be treated as fact; SYN. tangible.
4. Founded on practical matters.
5. Not to be taken lightly.
6. No less than what is stated; worthy of the name.
7. (Of property) Fixed or immovable.
8. (Economics) Being value measured in terms of purchasing power.
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actual · concrete · echt · existent · factual · genuine · historical · literal · material · proper · realistic · serious · sincere · substantial · tangible · true · veridical + prikaži više



ETYM Latin regularis, from regula a rule, from regere to guide, to rule: cf. French régulier. Related to Rule.
Of geometric figures, having all angles and sides equal. Also, of solids, having bases comprised of regular polygons.
1. C
onforming to a standard or pattern.
2. In accordance with fixed order or procedure or principle.
3. Not deviating from what is normal.
4. In accord with regular practice or procedure.
5. Relating to a person who does something regularly; SYN. steady.
6. Regularly scheduled for fixed times.
7. Officially full-time.
8. (Used of the military) Belonging to or engaged in by legitimate army forces.
9. Often used as intensifiers; SYN. veritable.
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daily · day-after-day · day-to-day · diarrheal · diarrheic · diarrhetic · diarrhoeal · diarrhoeic · diarrhoetic · even · every day · first-string · frequent · full-time · lawful · lax · loose · nightly · normal · official · orderly · prescribed · regularised · regularized · rhythmic · rhythmical · routine · rule-governed · scheduled · standard · standing · steady · stock · symmetric · symmetrical · systematic · timed · typical · unconstipated · uniform · usual · veritable · weak · well-ordered + prikaži više
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Mašinski prevod reči regelrecht

Reč dana 05.10.2024.

imenica, geografija
pridev, arhaično, zastarelo
imenica, geografija
ženski rod, botanika