coup de main prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

coup de main | francusko - engleski rečnik

coup de main

muški rod

Se dit de toute entreprise hardie dont l'exécution est prompte. Faire un coup de main.

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srpski · nemački



1. Physical assistance; SYN. helping hand.
2. A round of applause to signify approval.
3. A unit of length equal to 4 inches; used in measuring horses; un
it used in measuring the height of a horse from front hoof to shoulder (withers). One hand equals 10.2 cm/4 in.
4. Ability.
5. One of two sides of an issue.
6. A rotating pointer on the face of a timepiece.
7. A position given by its location to the side of an object.
8. A member of the crew of a ship.
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Reč dana 06.10.2024.

imenica, gpl radicesmath
glagol, elektrotehnika
ženski rod, železnica
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