više od prevod sa srpskog na engleski online

više od | srpsko - engleski rečnik

više od

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1 — used as a function word to indicate motion or situation in a position higher than or above another
2 — used as a function word to indicate the possession of authority, power, or jurisdiction in regard to some thing or person — used as a function word to indicate superiority, advantage, or preference — used as a function word to indicate one that is overcome, circumvent
ed, or disregarded
3. More than; above
4 — used as a function word to indicate position upon or movement down upon; all through or throughout — used as a function word connecting one mathematical set and another whose elements are coefficients or values of parameters used to form elements of the first set — used as a function word to indicate a particular medium or channel of communication
5 — used as a function word to indicate position on or motion to the other side or beyond
6. Throughout, during; until the end of
7 — used as a function word to indicate an object of solicitude, interest, consideration, or reference — used as a function word to indicate the object of an expressed or implied occupation, activity, or concern
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više od | srpsko - engleski rečnik

više od

Prevedi više od na:




1. Un or to a higher place than; over; upriver of
2. Superior to (as in rank, quality, or degree); out of reach of; in preference to d; too proud or honorable to stoop to
3. Exceeding in number, quantity, or size; more than
4. As distinct from and in addition to

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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

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