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ETYM Latin insurrectio, from insurgere, insurrectum: cf. French insurrection. Related to Insurgent.
1. A rising against civil or political authority, or the established government; open and active opposition to the execution of law in a city or state.
2. A rising in mass to oppose an enemy.

rebellion · revolt · rising · uprising



ETYM From mutine to mutiny, from French se mutiner, from French mutin stubborn, mutinous, from Old Fren. meute riot, Late Lat. movita, from movitus, for Latin motus, p. p. of movere to move. Related to Move.
Open rebellion against constituted authority (especially by seamen or soldiers against their officers).
Organized act of disobedience or defiance by two or more members of the armed services. In naval and military law, mutiny has always been regarded as one of the most serious of crimes, punishable in wartime by death.
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ETYM French rébellion, Latin rebellio. Related to Rebel. Among the Romans rebellion was originally a revolt or open resistance to their government by nations that had been subdued in war. It was a renewed war.
1. Organized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another; SYN. insurrection, revolt, rising, uprising.
2. Refusal to accept some authority or code or convention.
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ETYM French révolution, Latin revolutio. Related to Revolve.
1. A drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving.
2. The overthrow of a government by those who are governed.
Any rapid, far-reaching, or violent change in the political, social, or economic structure of society. It is usually applied to political change: examples include the American Revolution, where the colonists broke free from thei
r colonial ties and established a sovereign, independent nation; the French Revolution, where an absolute monarchy was overthrown by opposition from inside the country and a popular uprising; and the Russian Revolution, where a repressive monarchy was overthrown by those seeking to institute widespread social and economic changes based on a socialist model. In 1989–90 the Eastern Bloc nations demonstrated against and voted out the Communist party, in many cases creating a prodemocracy revolution.
While political revolutions are often associated with violence, other types of change can have just as much impact on society. Most notable is the Industrial Revolution of the mid-18th century, which caused massive economic and social changes. In the 1970s and 1980s a high-tech revolution based on the silicon chip took place, facilitating the widespread use of computers.
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gyration · rotation



ETYM Old Fren. riote, of uncertain origin; cf. od. revot, ravot.
1.A public act of violence by an unruly mob; SYN. public violence.
2. A random or disorderly profusion.
3. One that is wildly amusing.

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ETYM Old Eng. sedicioun, Old Fren. sedition, French sédition, from Latin seditio, originally, a going aside; hence, an insurrectionary separation; pref. se-, sed-, aside + itio a going, from ire, itum, to go. Related to Issue.
An illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority and tending to cause the disruption or
overthrow of the government.
Incitement to rebellion.
The stirring up of discontent, resistance, or rebellion against the government in power.
In the UK, the offense of inciting unlawful opposition to the crown and government. Unlike treason, sedition does not carry the death penalty.
It includes attempting to bring into contempt or hatred the person of the reigning monarch, the lawfully established government, or either house of Parliament; inciting a change of government by other than lawful means; and raising discontent between different sections of the sovereign's subjects. Today any criticism aimed at reform is allowable.
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ETYM Latin turbulentia: cf. French turbulebce.
1. A state of violent disturbance and disorder (as in politics or social conditions generally); SYN. upheaval, Sturm und Drang.
2. Instability in the atmosphere.
3. Unstable flow of a liquid or gas; SYN. turbulency.
Irregular fluid (gas or liquid) flow, in which vortices and unpredictable fluctuations and motions occur. Streamlining reduces the turbulence of flow around an object, such as an aircraft, and reduces drag. Turbulent flow of a fluid occurs when the Reynolds number is high.
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1. An insurrection; a popular revolt.
2. Act of rising; also, a steep place; an ascent.

Reč dana 21.09.2024.

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