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according to


1. In conformity with
2. As stated or attested by
3. Depending on



1. Behind in place
2. Subsequent to in time or order
3. Subsequent to and in view of
4. So as to resemble



1. In contact with
2. Playing in opposition to
3. Opposed to
4. In contrast to



1 On all sides of; so as to encircle or enclose; so as to avoid or get past; on or to another side of; near
2. In all directions outward from
3. Here and there in or throughout
4. So as to have a center or basis in



1 — used as a function word to indicate presence or occurrence in, on, or near
2 — used as a function word to indicate the goal of an indicated or implied action or motion
3 — used as a f
unction word to indicate that with which one is occupied or employed
4 — used as a function word to indicate situation in an active or passive state or condition
5 — used as a function word to indicate the means, cause, or manner
6 a — used as a function word to indicate the rate, degree, or position in a scale or series b — used as a function word to indicate age or position in time
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ETYM Old Eng. bi, AS. bî, big, near to, by, of, from, after, according to; akin to OS. and OFries. bi, be, Dutch bij, Old High Germ. bî, German bei, Goth. bi. Related to Be-.
(Homonym: buy, bye).
1. Next to.
2. In front of.
3. A preposition indicating the author of an act.



Each one .



1. A preposition indicating movement away
2. A preposition indicating the origin or source
3. A preposition indicating a starting point in time



1 — used as a function word to indicate a point of reckoning
2 — used as a function word to indicate origin or derivation — used as a function word to indicate the cause, motive, or reason; by; on the part of; occurring in
3 — used as a function word to indicate the component material, parts, or elements or the contents
4 — used as a function word to indicate the whole that includes the part denoted by the preceding word — used as a function word to indicate a whole or quantity from which a p
art is removed or expended
5. Relating to; about; in respect to
6 — used as a function word to indicate belonging or a possessive relationship — used as a function word to indicate relationship between a result determined by a function or operation and a basic entity (as an independent variable)
7 — used as a function word to indicate something from which a person or thing is delivered or with respect to which someone or something is made destitute
8 — used as a function word to indicate a particular example belonging to the class denoted by the preceding noun — used as a function word to indicate apposition
9 — used as a function word to indicate the object of an action denoted or implied by the preceding noun — used as a function word to indicate the application of a verb or of an adjective
10 — used as a function word to indicate a characteristic or distinctive quality or possession
11 — used as a function word to indicate the position in time of an action or occurrence; before
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1. By the means or agency of; through
2. With respect to every member of a specified group; for each
3. According to — often used with as



1. Below or beneath so as to be overhung, surmounted, covered, protected, or concealed by
2. Subject to the authority, control, guida
nce, or instruction of
3. Receiving or undergoing the action or effect of
4. Within the group or designation of
5. Having as name or title
6. Less or lower than (as in size, amount, or rank); especially; falling short of a standard or required degree
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muški rodlično ime

Američki pisac i pesnik.

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muški rodlično ime

(1809-1849) US writer and poet. His short stories are renowned for their horrific atmosphere, as in ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’ 1839 and ‘The Masque of the Red Death’ 1842, and for their acute reasoning (ratiocination), as in ‘The Gold Bug’ 1843 and ‘The Murders in the Rue Morgue’ 1841 (in which the investigators Legrand and Dupin anticipate Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes). His poems include ‘The Raven’ 1845.
His novel The
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket 1838 has attracted critical attention.
Born in Boston, he was orphaned 1811 and taken in by the wealthy Allan family of Richmond, Virginia. He was, however, disowned by the Allans when he was expelled from both the University of Virginia and West Point. Poe joined the army but was court-martialed for neglect of duty. Although he already had published Tammerlane and Other Poems 1827, Al Aaraaf 1829, and Poems 1831, he failed to earn a living by writing. He became editor of the Southern Literary Messenger in Richmond. In 1847 his wife died, an event he commemorated in his poem “Annabel Lee.” He became an alcoholic and exhausted himself, dying at age 40. Poe was the first US poet to become internationally known and admired. His verse, of haunting lyric beauty, in, for example, “Ulalume” 1847 and “The Bells” 1849, influenced the French Symbolists.
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