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An arid region with little or no vegetation.
Arid area without sufficient rainfall and, consequently, vegetation to support human life. The term includes the ice areas of the polar regions (known as cold deserts). Almost 33% of the Earth's land surface is desert, and this proportion is increasing.
The tropical desert belts of latitudes from 5ş to 30ş are caused by the descent of air that is heated over the warm land and therefore has lost its moisture. Other natural desert types are the continental deserts, such as the Gobi, that are too far from the sea to receive any moisture; rain-shadow deserts, such as California’s Death Valley, that lie in the lee of mountain ranges, where the ascending air drops its rain only on the windward slopes; and coastal deserts, such
as the Namib, where cold ocean currents cause local dry air masses to descend. Desert surfaces are usually rocky or gravelly, with only a small proportion being covered with sand. Deserts can be created by changes in climate, or by the human-aided process of desertification.
Characteristics common to all deserts include irregular rainfall of less than 250 mm per year, very high evaporation rates often 20 times the annual precipitation, and low relative humidity and cloud cover. Temperatures are more variable; tropical deserts have a big diurnal temperature range and very high daytime temperatures (58şC/136şF has been recorded at Azizia in Libya), whilst midlatitude deserts have a wide annual range and much lower winter temperatures (in the Mongolian desert the mean temperature is below freezing point for half the year).
Desert soils are infertile, lacking in humus and generally gray or red in color. The few plants capable of surviving such conditions are widely spaced, scrubby and often thorny. Long-rooted plants (phreatophytes) such as the date palm and musquite commonly grow along dry stream channels. Salt-loving plants (halophytes) such as saltbushes grow in areas of highly saline soils and near the edges of playas (dry saline lakes). Others, such as the xerophytes are drought-resistant and survive by remaining leafless during the dry season or by reducing water losses with small waxy leaves. They frequently have shallow and widely branching root systems and store water during the wet season (for example, succulents and cacti with pulpy stems).
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Abkürzung für OSF Development Environment
(griech.)lyr. Strophengedicht; in griech. Tragödien als Chorgesang mit stre
ngem Strophenbau in feierl. Ton; selbständige Dichtung bei Sappho und Alkaios, dessen O. Vorbild für die O. des Horaz waren. Eingang in die dt. Literatur fand die O. durch M. Opitz, Höhepunkte erreichte sie v.a. durch Klopstock, Goethe und Hölderlin.

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1. langweilig
Beispiel: Sie findet die Arbeit öde, weil es jeden Tag das selbe ist.
2. (bei einer Landschaft): einsam und verlassen (z.B. die Wüste)

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urspr. jedes singbare Gedicht; im neueren Sprachgebrauch ein feierl. erhabenes Gedicht mit strengem Strophenbau u. ohne Reim.

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Reč dana 06.10.2024.

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glagol, gramatika