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srpski · francuski



ETYM Old Eng. knowlage, knowlege, knowleche, knawleche. The last part is the Icel. suffix -leikr, forming abstract nouns, orig. the same as Icel. leikr game, play, sport, akin to as. lâc, Goth. laiks dance. Related to Know, Lake, Lark a frolic.
1. The condition of knowing.
2. The breadth of one's understanding.
3. Learning in general.
4. Sexual intercourse; carnal knowledge.
Awareness of or familiarity
with something or someone, or confidence in the accuracy of a fact or other information. Knowledge is often defined as justified true belief, although philosophers dispute what would count as justification here, and some philosophers have argued that knowledge does not involve but replaces belief. The philosophy of knowledge is epistemology.
For Plato, knowledge is of the Forms, or universals, whereas belief is of changing, material things. For English philosopher John Locke, knowledge is “the perception of the agreement or disagreement of two ideas”. French mathematician René Descartes thought his “cogito ergo sum”/“I think, therefore I am” was an item of certain knowledge. English philosopher Gilbert Ryle contrasts knowing how and knowing that: moral knowledge is knowing how to behave, whereas factual knowledge is knowing that something is the case.
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cognition · noesis



ETYM Skr. vaeda, properly, knowledge, from vid to know. Related to Wit.
The ancient sacred literature of the Hindoos; also, one of the four collections, called Rig-Veda, Yajur-Veda, Sama-Veda, and Atharva-Veda, constituting th
e most ancient portions of that literature.
Any of the Hindu sacred writing; Also called: Samhita.
The most sacred of the Hindu scriptures, hymns written in an old form of Sanskrit; the oldest may date from 1500 or 2000 BC. The four main collections are: the Rig-veda (hymns and praises); Yajur-Veda (prayers and sacrificial formulae); Sâma-Veda (tunes and chants); and Atharva-Veda, or Veda of the Atharvans, the officiating priests at the sacrifices.
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Veda · Vedic literature
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(etwas) drauf haben · kennen · nachvollziehen · über Kenntnisse verfügen · überblicken · verstehen · (jemandem) klar sein · (sich) einer Sache bewusst sein · (sich) über etwas im Klaren sein · gelernt haben · intus haben · parat haben · (genau) wissen · (sich) einer Sache sicher sein · (sich) sicher sein · definitiv wissen · keinem Zweifel unterliegen (etwas) · mit Bestimmtheit wissen · (es) liegen Erkenntnisse vor (über) · (etwas) wissen · (für jemanden) nichts Neues sein · (jemandem) bekannt sein · (jemandem) nicht neu sein · (über etwas) informiert sein · Erkenntnisse haben (über) · Kenntnis haben (von) · von etwas wissen + prikaži više
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srpski · francuski

be aware




(Homonym: no).
(Irregular preterit, past participle: knew, known).
1. To know the nature or character of.
2. To have fixed in the mind.
3. To perceive as familiar.
4. To be familiar or acquainted with a person o
r an object.
5. To have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations; SYN. experience, live.
6. To know how to do or perform something.
7. To be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information; possess knowledge or information about; SYN. cognize.
8. To be aware of the truth of something; have a belief or faith in something; regard as true beyond any doubt.
9. To be able to distinguish or recognize as being different.
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acknowledge · bang · be intimate · bed · bon · cognise · cognize · do it · eff · experience · get it on · get laid · have a go at it · have intercourse · have it away · have it off · have sex · hump · jazz · lie with · live · love · make love · make out · recognise · recognize · roll in the hay · screw · sleep with + prikaži više
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muški rod
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srpski · francuski



ETYM Old Eng. knowlage, knowlege, knowleche, knawleche. The last part is the Icel. suffix -leikr, forming abstract nouns, orig. the same as Icel. leikr game, play, sport, akin to as. lâc, Goth. laiks dance. Related to Know, Lake, Lark a frolic.
1. The condition of knowing.
2. The breadth of one's understanding.
3. Learning in general.
4. Sexual intercourse; carnal knowledge.
Awareness of or familiarity
with something or someone, or confidence in the accuracy of a fact or other information. Knowledge is often defined as justified true belief, although philosophers dispute what would count as justification here, and some philosophers have argued that knowledge does not involve but replaces belief. The philosophy of knowledge is epistemology.
For Plato, knowledge is of the Forms, or universals, whereas belief is of changing, material things. For English philosopher John Locke, knowledge is “the perception of the agreement or disagreement of two ideas”. French mathematician René Descartes thought his “cogito ergo sum”/“I think, therefore I am” was an item of certain knowledge. English philosopher Gilbert Ryle contrasts knowing how and knowing that: moral knowledge is knowing how to behave, whereas factual knowledge is knowing that something is the case.
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cognition · noesis

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