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Bison bonasus · Bos bonasus · Europäischer Bison · Flachlandwisent
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ETYM Latin bison, Greek bison, a wild ox; akin to Old High Germ. wisunt, wisant, German wisent, AS. wesend, Icel. vîsundr: cf. French bison.
Any of several large shaggy-maned humped bovids having large heads and short horns.
Large, hoofed mammal of the bovine family. There are two species, both brow
n. The European bison or wisent Bison bonasus, of which only a few protected herds survive, is about 2 m/7 ft high and weighs up to 1,100 kg/2,500 lb. The North American bison (often known as “buffalo”) Bison bison is slightly smaller, with a heavier mane and more sloping hindquarters. Formerly roaming the prairies in vast numbers, it was almost exterminated in the 19th century, but survives in protected areas. There were about 14,000 bison in North American reserves 1994.
Crossed with domestic cattle, the latter has produced a hardy hybrid, the “beefalo”, producing a lean carcass on an economical grass diet.
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ETYM Spanish bufalo, from Latin bubalus, bufalus, a kind of African stag or gazelle; also, the buffalo or wild ox, from Greek.
Meat from an American bison.
Either of two species of wild cattle. The Asiatic water buffalo Bubalis bubalis is
found domesticated throughout S Asia and wild in parts of India and Nepal. It likes moist conditions. Usually gray or black, up to 1.8 m/6 ft high, both sexes carry large horns. The African buffalo Syncerus caffer is found in Africa, south of the Sahara, where there is grass, water, and cover in which to retreat. There are a number of subspecies, the biggest up to 1.6 m/5 ft high, and black, with massive horns set close together over the head. The name is also commonly applied to the American bison. + prikaži više

American bison · American buffalo · Bison bison · Buffalo · Old World buffalo

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Reč dana 06.10.2024.

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