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ETYM French angle, Latin angulus angle, corner; akin to uncus hook, Greek agkylos bent, crooked, angular, agkos a bend or hollow, AS. angel hook, fish-hook, German angel, and French anchor.
In mathematics, the amount of turn or rotation; it may be defined by a pair of rays (hal
f-lines) that share a common endpoint but do not lie on the same line. Angles are measured in degrees (ş) or radians (rads)—a complete turn or circle being 360ş or 2p rads.
Angles are classified generally by their degree measures: acute angles are less than 90ş; right angles are exactly 90ş (a quarter turn); obtuse angles are greater than 90ş but less than 180ş; reflex angles are greater than 180ş but less than 360ş.
The space between two lines or planes that intersect; the inclination of one line to another; measured in degrees or radians.
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Angle · slant



ETYM Cf.Old Fren. braguette codpiece, French brayette, Spanish bragueta, also a projecting mold in architecture; dim. fromL. bracae breeches; cf. also, Old Fren. bracon beam, prop, support; of unknown origin. Related to Breeches.
1. A category falling within certain defined limits.
2. An L-shaped support projecting from a wall (as to hold a shelf).
3. Either of two punctuation marks ([ or ]) used to enclose textual material; SYN. square bracket.
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1. (Architecture) Solid exterior angle of a building; especially one formed by a cornerstone; SYN. quoin.
2. The point where two lines meet or intersect.
3. A place off to the side of an area.
A projecting part that is corner-shaped.
5. An interior angle formed be two meeting walls; SYN. nook.
6. The intersection of two streets; SYN. street corner, turning point.
7. The point where three areas or surfaces meet or intersect.
8. A remote area.
9. A predicament from which a skillful or graceful escape is impossible; SYN. box.
10. A temporary monopoly on a kind of commercial trade.
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box · niche · nook · quoin · recess · recession · street corner · turning point + prikaži više



ETYM Old Fren. esquarre, esquierre, French équerre a carpenter's square (cf. Italian squadra), from (assumed) Late Lat. exquadrare to make square; Latin ex + quadrus a square, from quattuor four. Related to Four, Quadrant, Squad, Squer a square.
1. (Informal) A formal and conservative person with old-fashioned views; SYN. square toes.
2. A tool consisting of two straight arms at right angles; used to construct or test right angles.
3. Any object having a shape similar to a plane geometric figure with four equal sides and four right angles.
4. The product of two equal terms; SYN. second power.
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geordnetes Paar zweier von einem Punkt, dem Scheitel, ausgehender Halbgeraden, der Schenkel. Die Größe des W. ist der Richtungsunterschied zw. den beiden Schenkeln; sie wird gemessen durch seinen Bogen (arc), manchmal in rad (Radiant), oder in Graden ( [s]) bzw. Gon, Minuten (') u. Sekunden ("). 1[s] entspricht dem 360. Teil des Vollwinkels (Kreis), 1' dem 60. Teil eines Grads, 1" dem 60. Teil einer Minute. Spitze W. sind kleiner, stumpfe W. (bzw. überstumpfe W.) größer als 90 [s] (bzw. 180 [s]). Neben-W. haben einen Schenkel gemeinsam u. bilden zus. den gestreckten W.

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ETYM as. elboga, elnboga; eln ell, forearm + boga a bending. Related to Ell Bow.
1. Hinge joint between the forearm and upper arm and the cor
responding joint in the forelimb of a quadruped; SYN. elbow joint, cubitus, cubital joint, articulatio cubiti.
2. The joint of a mammal or bird that corresponds to the human elbow.
3. The part of a sleeve that covers the elbow.
4. A sharp bend in a road, river, or any object.
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articulatio cubiti · cubital joint · cubitus · elbow joint · human elbow
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ETYM French angle, Latin angulus angle, corner; akin to uncus hook, Greek agkylos bent, crooked, angular, agkos a bend or hollow, AS. angel hook, fish-hook, German angel, and French anchor.
In mathematics, the amount of turn or rotation; it may be defined by a pair of rays (hal
f-lines) that share a common endpoint but do not lie on the same line. Angles are measured in degrees (ş) or radians (rads)—a complete turn or circle being 360ş or 2p rads.
Angles are classified generally by their degree measures: acute angles are less than 90ş; right angles are exactly 90ş (a quarter turn); obtuse angles are greater than 90ş but less than 180ş; reflex angles are greater than 180ş but less than 360ş.
The space between two lines or planes that intersect; the inclination of one line to another; measured in degrees or radians.
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Angle · slant
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