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virtuelle Realität

ženski rodračunari

(2000) Oxymoron und Modefloskel, die häufig zur Aufwertung graphisch animierter Echtzeitsimulationen herangezogen wird.
Von William Gibson erfundener
Begriff für die Welt hinter dem Bildschirm. Erstmals erwähnt in NEUROMANCER, © 1984 William Gibson; © 1987 W. Heyne Verlag, München.
Begriff, der eine durch Computer geschaffene künstliche / virtuelle Realität bezeichnet. Er wurde geprägt durch den Science-Fiction-Roman Neuromancer von William Gibson.

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virtual reality


A simulated 3-D environment that a user can experience and manipulate as if it were physical. The user sees the environment on display screens, possibly mounted in a special pair of goggles. Special input devices, such as gloves or suits fitted with motion sensors, detect the user’s actions. Acronym: VR.
A hypothetical three-dimensional visual world created by a computer; user wears spec
ial goggles and fiber optic gloves etc., and can enter and move about in this world and interact with objects as if inside it.
Advanced form of computer simulation, in which a participant has the illusion of being part of an artificial environment. The participant views the environment through two tiny television screens (one for each eye) built into a visor. Sensors detect movements of the participant's head or body, causing the apparent viewing position to change. Gloves (datagloves) fitted with sensors may be worn, which allow the participant seemingly to pick up and move objects in the environment.
The technology is still under development but is expected to have widespread applications; for example, in military and surgical training, architecture, and home entertainment.
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Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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