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ETYM Late Lat. combinatio. Related to Combine.
1. A collection of things that have been combined; an assemblage of separate parts or qualities.
2. A group of people (often temporary) having a common purpose.
3. A sequence of numbers or letters that opens a combination lock.
4. An alliance of people or corporations or countries for a special purpose (formerly to achi
eve some antisocial end but now for general political or economic purposes).
5. An occurrence that results in things being combined; SYN. combining, combine.
6. The act of arranging elements into specified groups without regard to order.
7. The act of combining things; SYN. combining, compounding.
In mathematics, a selection of a number of objects from some larger number of objects when no account is taken of order within any one arrangement. For example, 123, 213, and 312 are regarded as the same combination of three digits from 1234. Combinatorial analysis is used in the study of probability.
The number of ways of selecting r objects from a group of n is given by the formula.
N!/[r!(n - r)!] (see factorial). This is usually denoted by nCr.
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1. The state of being connected; SYN. link, connectedness.
2. Something that connects; SYN. connexion, connector, connecter, connective.
3. A relation between things or events (as in t
he case of one causing the other or sharing features with it); SYN. connexion, connectedness.
4. A supplier (especially of narcotics).
5. Shifting from one form of transportation to another; SYN. connexion.
6. A connecting shape; SYN. connexion, link.
7. (Usually plural) A person who is influential and to whom one is connected in some way (as by family or friendship).
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association · connectedness · connecter · connective · connector · connexion · joining · link + prikaži više



1. A fastener that serves to join or link; SYN. linkup, tie, tie-in.
2. A unit of length equal to 1/100 of a chain.
3. An interconnecting circu
it between two or more locations for the purpose of transmitting and receiving data; SYN. data link.
4. The means of connection between things linked in series; SYN. nexus.
5. (Computers) A connection between two items (two texts, a text and an image, etc.), usually activated by the click of a mouse.
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connectedness · connection · connexion · contact · data link · inter-group communication · liaison · linkup · nexus · radio link · tie · tie-in + prikaži više



In genetics, the association between two or more genes that tend to be inherited together because they are on the same chromosome.
The closer together they are on the chromosome, the less likely they are
to be separated by crossing over (one of the processes of recombination) and they are then described as being “tightly linked”.
1. The act of linking things together.
2. A mechanical system of rods or springs or pivots that transmits power or motion.
3. An associative relation.
4. (Genetics) Traits that tend to be inherited together as a consequence of an association between their genes.
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gene linkage



Connection, joining



1. Establishment of contact; meeting
2. Something that serves as a linking device or factor; a functional whole resulting from the linking up of separate elements

link · tie · tie-in



ETYM Latin.
A connected series or group.
A bond; a linked group.
Bond; tie; interconnected group.




ETYM as. tęge, tige, tîge.
(Homonym: Thai).
1. A cord (or string or ribbon or wire etc.) with which something is tied.
2. A horizontal beam used to prevent two other structural members from spreading apart or separating; SYN. tie beam.

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Reč dana 05.10.2024.

imenica, geografija
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imenica, geografija
ženski rod, botanika