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ETYM Latin discus, Greek diskos. Related to Dish.
1. A thin flat circular plate; SYN. disc.
2. Something with a round shape like a flat circular plate; SYN. disc, saucer.



ETYM Old Fren. plate a plate of metal, a cuirsas, French plat a plate, a shallow vessel of silver, other metal, or earth, from plat flat, Greek plax. Related to Place.
(Homonym: plait).
1. A flat sheet of metal or glass on which a photographic image can be recorded; SYN. photographic plate.
2. A full-page illustration (usually on slick paper).
3. A horizontal beam that provides bearing and anchorage.
4. A main course served on a plate.
5. A metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to
protect the gunners); SYN. scale, shell.
6. A rigid layer of the lithosphere that is believed to drift slowly.
7. A shallow receptacle for collection in church; SYN. collection plate.
8. A sheet of metal or wood or glass or plastic.
9. Any flat platelike body structure or part.
10. On which food is served or from which food is eaten.
11. The quantity contained in a plate; SYN. plateful.
12. The thin under portion of the forequarter.
According to plate tectonics, one of a number of slabs of solid rock, about a hundred kilometers thick and often several thousands of kilometers across, making up the Earth's surface.
Together, the plates make up the lithosphere.
Plates are made up of two types of crustal material: oceanic crust (sima) and continental crust (sial), both of which are underlain by a solid layer of the mantle. Oceanic crust is heavy and consists largely of basalt. It is formed at constructive margins. Continental crust is less dense and is rich in granite. It is made up of volcanic islands and folded sediments, and is usually associated with destructive margins.
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Teller | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Edward, 15.1.1908, US-amerik. Physiker ung. Herkunft; Hauptarbeitsgebiet: Kernphysik; entwickelte die Wasserstoffbombe.

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srpski · francuski


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(1908-) Hungarian-born US physicist. A member of the Manhattan Project 1941–45, he was involved in developing the first atomic bombs. and played a central role in the development and testing of the first hydrogen bomb 1952.
Born in Budapest, Teller received his PhD from the University of Leipzig 1930. After a period of research at Göttingen 1931–33 and with Niels Bohr in 1934, he immigrated to the US and became a faculty member of George Washington University 1935. Teller joined the staff of Columbia University 1941 and the University of Chicago 1942 to work with Enrico Fermi on atomic fission. After a period working on the Manhattan Project 1941–42, Teller was appointed professor at the University of Chicago 1946. From 1958 to 1975 he was associated with the Lawrence Livermore laboratories (for radiation and weapons research) at the University of California at Berkeley. One of the most controversial of nuclear scientists, he advocated the nuclear weapons buildup for supremacy over the USSR, including weapons in space (SDI or “Star Wars”), and opposed all test-ban treati
Hungarian-born US physicist known as the father of the hydrogen bomb. He worked on the fission bomb—the first atomic bomb—1942–46 (the Manhattan Project) and on the fusion bomb, or H-bomb, 1946–52. In the 1980s he was one of the leading supporters of the Star Wars program (Strategic Defense Initiative).
He was a key witness against his colleague Robert Oppenheimer at the security hearings 1954. Teller was widely believed to be the model for the leading character in Stanley Kubrick’s 1964 film Dr Strangelove. It was also Teller who convinced President Reagan of the feasibility of the Star Wars project for militarizing space with fission-bomb-powered X-ray lasers. Millions of dollars were spent before the project was discredited. Teller then suggested “brilliant pebbles”— thousands of missile-interceptors based in space—and the use of nuclear explosions to prevent asteroids hitting the Earth. He opposed all test-ban treaties.
Teller was born in Budapest and studied there and at various German universities. He left Germany 1933 when the Nazis came to power, and emigrated to the US 1935, becoming professor at George Washington University, Washington, DC. He joined the University of Chicago 1942 to work on atomic fission, and then moved to Los Alamos. By the end of World War II, Teller had designed an H-bomb, and in 1951 he was given responsibility for constructing one. It was successfully tested on Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific Ocean in 1952. By then, a second nuclear-weapons research facility had opened, the Lawrence-Livermore Laboratory near Berkeley, California. Teller was Livermore's associate director 1954–75, as well as professor at the University of California from 1953.
The original idea of using a fission explosion to ignite a thermonuclear (fusion) explosion in deuterium (heavy hydrogen) came from Italian-born physicist Enrico Fermi. Polish-born mathematician Stanislaw Ulam (1909–1985) then suggested a configuration in which shock waves from the fission explosion would compress and heat the deuterium, causing it to explode. Teller modified this idea to use X-rays from the first explosion, rather than shock waves.
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