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Elizabeth (Liz), 27.2.1932, US-amerik. Filmschauspielerin; war in 5. Ehe mit R. Burton verh. (1964–74).


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(born Coles) (1912-1975) English novelist. Her books include At Mrs Lippincote’s 1946 and Angel 1957. She is a shrewd observer of nuances of character and emotion.(1932-) English-born US actress. Noted for both her beauty and acting skill, her films include Lassie Come Home 1942, National Velvet 1944, Father of the Bride 1950, Giant 1956, Raintree County 1957, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 1958, BUtterfield 8 1960 (Academy Award), Cleopatra 1963, and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 1966 (Academy Award). She appeared on Broadway in The Little Foxes 1981.
Her eight husbands included the actors Michael Wilding, Eddie Fisher, and Richard Burton (twice).
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Frederick Winslow, 1856, 1915, US-amerik. Ingenieur; entwickelte die als T.ismus (T.-System) bekannte Lehre von der wiss. Betriebsführung (Scientific Management), die auf genauen Zeit- u. Arbeitsstudien beruht.


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Frederick Winslow (1856-1915) US engineer and management consultant, the founder of scientific management. His ideas, published in Principles of Scientific Management 1911, were based on the breakdown of work to the simplest tasks, the separation of planning from execution of tasks, and the introduction of time-and-motion studies. His methods were clearly expressed in assembly-line factories, but have been criticized for degrading and alienating workers and producing managerial dictatorship. + prikaži više

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Zachary, 1784, 1850, US-amerik. General u. Politiker; 1849/50 (12.) Präs. der USA.


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Twelfth President of the United States; died in office
(1784-1850) 12th president of the US 1849–50. A veteran of the War of 1812 and a hero of the Mexican War (1846–48), he was nominated for the presidency by the Whigs in 1848 and was elected, but died less than one and a half years into his term. He was succeeded by Vice President Millard Fillmore.
Taylor was born in Virginia but grew up in frontier Kentucky. He began 40 years of army service in 1808 and played a key role in Fort Harrison’s defense during the
War of 1812. Most of his military career was spent on the frontier, and he distinguished himself in campaigns against the Indians. In the Seminole Wars in Florida his successes led to his promotion to brigadier general and command of the Florida department (1838–40). By now known by his nickname “Old Rough and Ready,” Taylor won his greatest fame in the Mexican War. While commander of the US forces occupying the recently annexed Texas, he opposed Mexican forces on President Polk’s orders. In spring 1846, Taylor advanced into Mexico and almost immediately won several battles and a promotion to major general. By fall he had taken Monterrey and in Feb 1847 defeated Santa Anna at Buena Vista. Having defeated his opponents Lewis Cass and Martin van Buren for the presidency, Taylor found his short term in office dominated by controversies over the slavery issue, with him supporting the antislavery elements that were pushing for the admission to the Union of more free states. Taylor died unexpectedly of cholera while the Compromise of 1850 was being shaped. + prikaži više

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Brook, 1685, 1731, engl. Mathematiker; T.sche Formel: Reihenentwicklung einer Funktion.

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Edward, 1644, 1729, angloamerik. Theologe u. Schriftst. (bildkräftige, religiöse Lyrik).

Taylor | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Joseph Hooton, 29. 3. 1941, US-amerik. Physiker; erhielt 1993 den Physik-Nobelpr. für die Entdeckung des ersten Doppelpulsars, wodurch u. a. die Existenz von Gravitationswellen nachgewiesen werden konnte.

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