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Sofia | nemačko - engleski rečnik



Hauptstadt Bulgariens zw. Balkan und Witoscha, 1 217 000 Einw., mit Universität, Nationalarchiv, Museen, Theatern, Observatorium, Zoo u.a. kultureller Mittelpunkt des Landes, v.a. an der Peripherie zahlr. Industriebetriebe. S. war seit Beginn des 2. Jh. röm. Kolonie (Serdica), wurde 447 von den Hunnen zerstört und im 5. Jh. wieder aufgebaut (u.a. Sophienkirche). 1382 von den Osmanen erobert, seit 1878 Hauptstadt.

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Hauptstadt von Bulgarien
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Capital and largest city of Bulgaria; Also called: Bulgarian capital.
Or Sofiya; Capital of Bulgaria since 1878; Industries include textiles, rubber, machinery, and electrical equipment. It lies at the foot of the Vitosha Mountains.
Sofia was of great importance in Roman t
imes, when it was known as Serdica, especially under the Emperor Constantine in the 4th century AD. As part of the Byzantine Empire, it was of strategic importance as it was on the road linking Constantinople and Belgrade. It was captured by the Turks 1382 and became part of the Ottoman Empire until chosen as capital of newly independent state of Bulgaria 1878.
features 4th-century rotunda of St George’s church; ruins of Serdica; 6th century church of Sveta Sofia; 13th-century Boyana church; Banya bashi mosque 1576; Alexsandar Nevski memorial church 1924; mausoleum of Georgi Dimitrov 1949.
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