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ženski rodgramatika

(Waschmittel) Ein Waschmittel, das aus Natrium- oder Kaliumsalzen der höheren Fettsäuren besteht. Man unterscheidet harte oder Natron-S. u. weiche oder Schmier-S. Ausgangsmaterial für die Herstellung sind Fette. Die reinigende Wirkung beruht darauf, daß S. die Oberflächenspannung des Wassers erhebl. herabsetzt u. dadurch in die kleinsten Zwischenräume eindringen u. den Schmutz beseitigen kann.

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Feinseife · Toilettenseife
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ETYM Spanish.
An alluvial deposit that contains particles of some valuable mineral.
Gold deposit other than vein, e.g. where it is obtained by washing.



ETYM Old Eng. sope, as. sâpe.
Mixture of the sodium salts of various fatty acids: palmitic, stearic, and oleic acid. It is made by the action of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) or potassium hydroxide (caustic potash) on fats of animal or vegetable origin. Soap make
s grease and dirt disperse in water in a similar manner to a detergent.
Soap was mentioned by Galen in the 2nd century for washing the body, although the Romans seem to have washed with a mixture of sand and oil. Soap was manufactured in Britain from the 14th century, but better-quality soap was imported from Castile or Venice. The Soapmakers' Company, London, was incorporated 1638. Soap was taxed in England from the time of Cromwell in the 17th century to 1853.
A cleansing agent made from the salts of vegetable or animal fats.
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ženski rodgeografija

Geologie) Sand- u. Kieselablagerungen, in denen sich spezif. schwerere oder verwitterungsbeständige Mineralien (Metall, Erze oder Diamanten) angesammelt haben (Gold-, Diamant-S.).

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