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Sinapis, Gatt. der Kreuzblütler, bes. verbreitet im Mittelmeergebiet; in Dtld. der Acker-S. u. der Weiße S., dessen hellgelbe Samen u. a. zur Gewinnung von Speise-S. (Mostrich) verwendet werden. Die dunkelbraunen Samen des Schwarzen S. (S.kohl) werden in der Heilkunde verwendet.

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ETYM Old Fren. moustarde, French moutarde, from Latin mustum must, -- mustard was prepared for use by being mixed with must. Related to Must.
Any of several annual plants of the family Cruciferae, with sweet-smelling yellow flowers. Brown and white mustard are cultivated as a condiment in Europe and North America. The seeds of brown mustard Brassica juncea and white mustard Sinapis alba are used in the preparation of table mustard.
Brown mustard replaced black mustard Brassica nigra in commercial mustard products during the 1950s with the int
roduction of mechanized harvesting. B. nigra is unsuitable for mechanized harvesting since its pods are dehiscent (that is, they split open to release their seeds), whereas B. juncea is indehiscent. Table mustard is most often used as an accompaniment to meat, although it can also be used in sauces and dressings, and with fish. English mustard is made from finely milled brown and white mustard seed to which turmeric is added as a colorant. French Dijon mustard contains brown mustard seed, verjuice (the juice of unripe grapes), oil, and white wine. Other varieties are made with vinegar, and may be flavored with herbs or garlic. The seedlings of white mustard are used in salads. White mustard is also sometimes grown by farmers and plowed back to enrich the soil. Brown mustard is grown on a large scale as an oil-seed crop throughout India, China, and southern Russia.
1. Any of several cruciferous plants of the genus Brassica.
2. Leaves eaten as cooked greens; SYN. mustard greens, leaf mustard, Indian mustard.
3. Pungent powder or paste prepared from ground mustard seeds; SYN. table mustard.
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Senf | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

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