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ženski rodgramatikaodevanje

Durch seifenartige Lösungen wird die S. vom Serizin (S.nleim) befreit (entbastet), dann meist mit Metallsalzlösungen »schwerer« gemacht. Mehrere Fäden werden vereinigt (gezwirnt).

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srpski · francuski



ETYM Of East Indian origin.
A soft thin cloth woven from raw silk (or an imitation).
Thin soft fabric woven from raw silk.
Thin, soft silk from China, naturally colored beige or tan; cotton or rayon imitation of this.



ETYM Old Eng. silk, selk, AS. seolc, seoloc; akin to Icel. silki, SW. and Dan. silke; prob. through Slavic from an Oriental source; cf. Lith. szilkai, Russ. shelk, and also Latin sericum Seric stuff, silk. Related to Sericeous. Serge a woolen stuff.
> Fine soft thread produced by the larva of the silkworm moth when making its cocoon. It is soaked, carefully unwrapped, and used in the manufacture of textiles. The introduction of synthetics originally harmed the silk industry, but rising standards of living have produced an increased demand for real silk. It is manufactured in China, India, Japan, and Thailand.1. A fabric made from the fine threads produced by certain insect larvae.
2. Fibers from silkworm cocoons provide threads for knitting.
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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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