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muški rodgramatika

Kreuzblütler, bis 2 m hohe krautige Pflanze mit sattgelben Blütentrauben; seit dem späten MA die wichtigste einheim. Ölpflanze. Die Samen enthalten bis zu 40% R.öl, das als Speiseöl sowie zu techn. Zwecken verwendet wird.
(Brassica napus napus)einjähriger (Sommer-R.) oder zweijähriger (Winter-R.) Kreuzblütler mit leuchtend gelben Blüten und bläul. grünen Blättern, bis 1,2 m hoch, wichtigste einheim. Ölpflanze (Rüböl), auch Grünfutter.

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ETYM French, from Dutch koolzaad, prop., cabbage seed; kool (akin to Eng. cole) + zaad, akin to Eng. seed.
A variety of cabbage (Brassica oleracea), cultivated for its seeds, which yield an oil valued for illuminating and lubricating purposes; summer rape.

Brassica napus · rape



1. In law, sexual intercourse without the consent of the subject. Most cases of rape are of women by men. In Islamic law a rape accusation requires the support of four independent male witnesses.
Some jurisdictions allow ch
arges of rape to be brought against husbands replacing older legal doctrine asserting a wife's duty to submit to sex with her spouse. Sexual intercourse with a minor, not necessarily involving penetration, is defined as statutory rape (see child abuse).
2. The act of despoiling a country in warfare; SYN. rapine.
3. The crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will; SYN. violation, assault, ravishment, sexual assault.
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Eurasian plant cultivated for its seed and as a forage crop; SYN. colza, Brassica napus
In botany, two plant species of the mustard family Cruciferae, Brassica rapa and b. napus, grown for their seeds, which yield a pu
ngent edible oil. The common turnip is a variety of the former, and the rutabaga turnip of the latter.
Oilseed rape, or canola, is the world’s third most important oilseed crop. Plant breeders developed it from the “weed” rapeseed, b. napus oleifera. The first variety was marketed 1974.
Rape methyl ester provides a renewable replacement for diesel that emits fewer sooty particles and none of the acid-rain causing sulfur dioxide.
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Seed of rape plants; source of an edible oil.

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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