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ženski rod

Staatskunst, urspr. die Lehre von der Verf. einer Polis; heute: Gemeinschaftsgestaltung, die auf die Durchsetzung von Vorstellungen zur Ordnung soz. Gemeinwesen u. auf die Verwirklichung von Zielen u. Werten gerichtet ist; v. a. jedes auf den Staat bezogene Handeln; Unterscheidung nach Tätigkeitsbereichen in Außen-, Innen-P. u. a.

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ETYM Cf. French politique. Related to Politic.
1. Social relations involving authority or power; SYN. political relation.
2. The opinion one holds with respect to political questions; SYN. political sympathies.
3. The profession devoted to governing and to political affairs.
4. The study of government of states and other political units; SYN. political science, government.
Ruling by
the consent of the governed; an activity whereby solutions to social and economic problems are arrived at and different aspirations are met by the process of discussion and compromise rather than by the application of decree or force.
A much misused term, it has been expounded by Bernard Crick in his classic book In Defence of Politics 1962. Its popular description as “the art of the possible” was probably first used by Otto von Bismarck of Prussia, in a recorded conversation in 1867. Both Bismarck and Crick made the point that politics is essentially an activity and not a science or set of rules. It is an activity based on diversity: diverse opinions about aims to be achieved and means to achieve them. Politics accepts this diversity as a fact of life and seek to resolve conflicting views by discussion and compromise.
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government · political relation · political science · political sympathies

Reč dana 06.10.2024.

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