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muški rodgramatika

(lat.)nach röm. Kriegsgott Mars benannter 1. Monat des altröm. und 3. des heutigen Kalenders; altdt. Bez. Lenzing.

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The month following February and preceding April; Also called: Mar.

Mar · March · Master of Architecture · border district · borderland · marching · marching music · marchland + prikaži više



A border region; frontier; especially; a district originally set up to defend a boundary — usually used in plural
Or (Italian) marcia In music, a piece originally intended to accompany marching soldiers or other people in procession, facilitating a regular and repeated drum rhythm.
One of the earliest known forms of music, marches are usually in duple time (2/4) or common time (4/4), with a strongly marked beat and regular phrasing. There are various types, distinguished by tempo: the funeral march, slow march, quick march, and, occasionally, double-quick march. The earliest examples of the march in art music are found in the work of Lully and Couperin in the 17th century. The march has been used ever since, from Mozart operas as in Die Zauberflöte/The Magic Flute 1791, to Beethoven’s Eroica symphony 1804, to Elgar’s Pomp and Circumstance Marches 1901. + prikaži više

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Marius | Mars | Maurois | Morris | Morse

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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