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muški rodmitologija

(Mythologie) Altröm. Hauptgott, bes. Gott des Krieges, aber auch des Frühlings; als Vater von Romulus u. Remus Stammvater der Römer.

roter Planet · Ares · Kriegsgott
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muški rodmitologija

In Roman mythology, the god of war, depicted as a fearless warrior. The month of March is named for him. He is equivalent to the Greek Ares.
(Roman mythology) God of war and agriculture; father of Romulus and Remus; counterpart of Greek Ares.

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muški rodastrologija

(Astronomie) Zeichen ¢, einer der großen Planeten. M. hat eine dünne Atmosphäre, die zu 95% aus Kohlendioxid besteht. Es gibt Jahreszeiten (Eisbildungen an den Polen). An der Oberfläche gibt es Krater, ferner Canyons u. trockene Flußtäler. Die im 19. Jh. gesehenen »Kanäle« sind opt. Täuschungen. Die Temp. beträgt am Äquator mittags 16–20 C, nachts –70 C. Die US-amerik. Viking-Sonden konnten kein organ. Leben nachweisen.

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Fourth planet from the Sun. It is much smaller than Venus or Earth, with a mass 0.11 that of Earth. Mars is slightly pearshaped, with a low, level northern hemisphere, which is comparatively uncratered and geologically “young”, and a heavily cratered “ancient” southern hemisphere.
mean distance from the Sun 227.9 million km/141.6 million mi
equatorial diameter 6,780 km/4,210 mi
rotation period 24 hr 37 min
year 687 Earth days
atmosphere 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.5% argon, and 0.15% oxygen. Red atmospheric dust from the surface whipped up by winds of up to 450 kph/2
80 mph accounts for the light pink sky. The surface pressure is less than 1% of the Earth’s atmospheric pressure at sea level.
surface The landscape is a dusty, red, eroded lava plain. Mars has white polar caps (water ice and frozen carbon dioxide) that advance and retreat with the seasons.
satellites two small satellites: Phobos and Deimos.
There are four enormous volcanoes near the equator, of which the largest is Olympus Mons 24 km/15 mi high, with a base 600 km/375 mi across, and a crater 65 km/40 mi wide. To the east of the four volcanoes lies a high plateau cut by a system of valleys, Valles Marineris, some 4,000 km/2,500 mi long, up to 200 km/120 mi wide and 6 km/4 mi deep; these features are apparently caused by faulting and wind erosion. Recorded temperatures vary from -100şC/-148şF to 0şC/32şF.
Mars may approach Earth to within 54.7 million km/34 million mi. The first human-made object to orbit another planet was Mariner 9. Viking 1 and 2, which landed, also provided much information. Studies in 1985 showed that enough water might exist to sustain prolonged missions by space crews. No proof of life on Mars has been obtained.
The 4th planet from the sun; Also called: Red Planet.
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Abkürzung für Message Archiving and Retrieval Service
Abkürzung für Military Affiliate Radio System
Abkürzung für Multicast Address Resolution Server

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roter Planet · Ares · Kriegsgott
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