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(Elektronik) In der Elektronik: kompakte, fest in Isoliermasse eingebettete Schaltungseinheit aus mehreren Bauteilen.
(Baukunst) Model, ein Grundmaß, das in bestimmten einfachen Beziehungen zw. den Bauteilen wiederkehrt; in der
antiken Baukunst der untere Säulenhalbmesser als Maßeinheit.
Bestandteil eines zusammengesetzten Systems oder Programms.
Verhältnismaß für Bauwerke und ihre Einzelteile, in der antiken Formenlehre begründet. Die Einheit ist der halbe untere Säulendurchmesser, unterteilt in 30 Partes (Minuten). In der mittelalterlichen Baukunst bezeichnete M. die Hälfte der Seite eines Vierungsquadrats, später das Grundmaß jedes Proportions- und Bemessungssystems.

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ETYM French, from Latin modulus a small measure, dim. of modus. Related to Mode, Model, Modulus, Mold a matrix.
1. A detachable section of a spacecraft.
2. A self-contained unit or item that is used in combination with other units.
3. An assembly of electronic components (as of computer hardware).
Unit of meas
urement or means of measuring; standard or self-contained unit of construction; self-contained section of educational course.
In construction, a standard or unit that governs the form of the rest. For example, Japanese room sizes are traditionally governed by multiples of standard tatami floor mats; today prefabricated buildings are mass-produced in a similar way. The components of a spacecraft are designed in coordination; for example, for the Apollo Moon landings the craft comprised a command module (for working, eating, sleeping), service module (electricity generators, oxygen supplies, maneuvering rocket), and lunar module (to land and return the astronauts).
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faculty · mental faculty



ETYM Latin, a small measure. Related to Module.
1. The absolute value of a complex number.
2. An integer that can be divided without remainder into the difference between two other integers.
3. (Physics) A coefficient that expresses how much of a specified property is possessed by a specified substance.
Number leaving same remainder when divided into two others.
In mathematics, a number that divides exactly into the difference between two given numbers. Also, the multiplication factor used to convert a logarithm of one base to a logarithm of another base. Also, another name for absolute value.
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